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用王侯的标准来修建的。Using the standards for princes and marquises.

我的心却仍贵如王侯,自己作主。Kept hearts in liveries , but mine own was free.

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记得你的温柔多富有,我不愿改变这境遇当王侯。That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

20日,约旦国王侯赛因和王后努尔来访。On the twentieth, King Hussein and Queen Noor joined us.

县令长与地方王侯的关系很微妙。The relation between the heads and the local lieges was subtle.

王侯若能持守他,万物会自动归顺。If lords and princes could obey him, all things would abide by him.

厉史会记载王侯庶子的名字,可是不会提及小麦的来源。History records the name of royal bastards, but cannot tell us the origin of wheat.

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他的魅力吸引女性,他的勇气鼓舞国家,他的心灵傲视王侯。His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king.

要是你们能找到那东西的话,就会富比王侯,而你们明知道它就在这儿,却站在那里躲躲闪闪。You'd be as rich as kings if you could find it, and you know it's here, and you stand there skulking.

他使王侯化为乌有,叫地上士绅成为虚无。He that bringeth the searchers of secrets to nothing, that hath made the judges of the earth as vanity.

文章拟就通过考察西汉一代王侯坐罪废黜的情况,来探究西汉王侯因触犯汉律而被夺侯的现象及原因。There were many dukes in the Western Han dynasty and the number of those who were deprived is also great.

于是,曾经被高度提防的某个群体-拥有自由裁量权的法官-又开始在法律帝国中充当王侯的角色。Hence judge who is empowered the right of free judgment plays the role of a king again in the kingdom of law.

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威尼斯也是资金的来源,以资助贸易、十字军远征和欧洲形形色色的国王与王侯。Venice was also a source of capital, to finance trade, the crusades, and various kings and princes of Europe.

适应工作的便利王侯瑜伽,对知识和言谈举止神圣的守护天使。Adapted to facilitate the task of Raja Yoga, and of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

你们在秃山上竖起旗帜,向他们高呼挥手,叫他们走进王侯的御门!Upon the dark mountain lift ye up a banner, exalt the voice, lift up the hand, and let the rulers go into the gates.

甲月牙被认为是落后于本塔拉勒国王侯赛因清真寺在安曼,约旦2009年8月23日,在斋月期间。A crescent moon is seen behind the King Hussein Bin Talal Mosque in Amman, Jordan on August 23, 2009, during Ramadan.

今天,世界为失去一位伟大的领袖约旦国王侯赛因而忧伤,我为失去一位伙伴和朋友而忧伤。Today the world mourns the loss of one of its great leaders, King Hussein of Jordan. I mourn the loss of a partner and friend.

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是谁策划了这事,来反对加过冕的提洛?她的商贾本来都是王侯,商贩本来都是地上的显要。Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, that was formerly crowned, whose merchants were princes, and her traders the nobles of the earth?

哎,可是我从来都没有和王侯一起散过步,所以我,也没有必要担心露出谄媚之言,因为我没有和王侯一起散步。You know it. I've never walked with kings though so I don't have to worry about losing the common touch because I'm not walking with kings.

王侯贵臣像脱鞋那样轻易地施舍象马,士民富豪抛弃钱财就好比遗忘了自己的足迹。Take off your shoes like purple princes as easily handout like a horse, money is like rich abandon manifested people forget their footprint.