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在本为肝肾不及。In this for hepatorenal is inferior.

枸杞子能补肝肾。Chinese Wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidney.

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长期食用有损肝肾。Long-time exposure can lead to kidney and liver damage.

轻度肝肾功能不良者仍可伸用。The mild hepatorenal hypofunction still might extend uses.

血常规,肝肾功能,电解质均属正常范围。Blood, liver and kidney functions, electrolytes are normal.

祛风湿、补肝肾、强筋骨。Dispels rheumatism, to make up hepatorenal, the strong physique.

有肝肾疾病患者禁用育亨宾。Yohimbine is contraindicated for use by those with liver and kidney disease.

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心气虚、肾气虚、肝肾阴虚3型的最大通气量实占预均较正常人明显降低。The RREV of maximal ventilatory volume in all the 3 types remarkably reduced.

同时监测血常规、肝肾功能和心电图。Blood routine examination, liver and function, electrocardiogram were monitored.

治疗过程中尿常规、肝肾功能均未见异常。No abnormality in routine urine and liver and renal function examinations were found.

结果提示,鸡经喹乙醇蓄积中毒可导致严重的肝肾损害。The results showed that olaquindox can cause severe damages of chicken hepar and ren.

对肝肾相关的具体内涵,从以下几个层面进行探讨。The specific content of the liver and kidney-related, now more than a few levels of the following.

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做人别气愤,气大伤肝肾。和睦交朋友,天涯有人问。Do angry life, Gas big liver and kidney injury. Harmony to make friends, End of the World was asked.

施治之法应补虚当先兼以祛邪,主要法则是肝肾阴阳共补、健脾祛湿调胃、柔肝疏筋活血。Spleem-deficiency, blood-stasis and phlegm-damp are the important links in the course of the disease.

本方可防止早衰,又可以补益肝肾和能预防肾虚腰痛。We may prevent the early aging, may also benefit hepatorenal and can prevent the kidney empty lumbago.

对肝肾功能无影响,无严重不良反应。Doxazosin mesylate does not interfere with the hepatic and renal metabolism and impair their functions.

强调慢性肾炎蛋白尿病机中肝肾阴虚的关键性。Emphasizes in the chronic nephritis albuminuria pathogenesis the hepatorenal Yin deficient crucial nature.

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治疗组采用滋养肝肾方,对照组服用静灵口服液,疗程为3个月。Nourish liver and kidney treatment group and control group taking Jingling liquid, treatment for 3 months.

枸杞子则是滋补肝肾的佳品,也是美容药膳中常用的原料。Medlar is to share and nourish liver and kidney, but also the raw materials commonly used in cosmetic Diet.

结论乌司他丁对老年人工髋关节置换术患者围术期肝肾功能有明显的保护作用。Conclusion UTI can protect the liver and kidney function of the aged patient with hip replacement operation.