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一时间出现了令人尴尬的冷场。There is an awkward pause.

一时间,由水传播的疾病十分猖獗。Waterborne diseases are rampant.

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卡德加一时间站直了身子。Khadgar just sat there for a moment.

一时间中村功生死未卜。Time is life and death is uncertain.

在某一时间,仅有一个继电器是闭合的。Only one relay is closed at any time.

同一时间只能有一个目标被闷住。Only 1 target may be sapped at a time.

下星期的某一时间我去看你。I'll go to see you sometime beside week.

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一时间,山顶上刀光剑影,天昏地暗。At that time, when the whole mountaintop.

我们下个月某一时间会去北京。Wenoll go to Beijing sometime next month.

这点表示今天的收入,这点表示下一时间段的收入This is Y today and this is Y next period.

一时间,太夫人屋里热闹极了。Momentary, too madam house inside noisy pole.

只有单个策略集在某一时间可以是活动的。Only a single policy set can be active at a time.

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一时间,政府似乎做起了自我检讨。Suddenly the government is sounding self-critical.

在同一时间太阳只能照射地球的半面。The sun can shine on only half the earth at a time.

每一时间单位的流逝都带来无序的增长。Disorder increases with every time-unit that passes.

我们下星期的同一时间相约乌卡黑皮英语。Meet us next week at the same time Ucar Black English.

熔胶波前于同一时间抵达型腔各末端。Melt front reaches the ends of cavity at the same time.

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一时间,父母面面相觑,沉默不语。我父母相对而视,默默无语。My parents stared at each other in silence for a while.

两个考试同一时间,帮我代考一个吧?The two exams coincide with each other, take one for me?

节目播出以后,一时间,啼笑声遍地开花。After the TV program, ironic laughters spread everywhere.