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我们生活在一个快节奏的世界里,无时不刻从甲地赶往乙地。We all live in a fast-paced world and we constantly move from point A to point B.

我们只想尽快地从甲地到乙地,尽可能地减少麻烦。The idea is to get from point A to point B as quickly and as free of hassle as possible.

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观察甲地孕酮对肿瘤患者化疗耐受性的影响。To investigate the impact of megestrol on chemotherapy tolerance in patients with cancer.

甲地人认为美的,乙地人却认为太胖或没有福像。A girl that people of a place think beautiful is considered in other place too fat or unlucky.

实际上,大多数美国人总是匆匆忙忙——而且不光是在从甲地赶到乙地这样的事上。In fact, most Americans are constantly in a hurry—and not just to get from Point A to Point B.

以上交通变化的重要意义并不仅仅在于显著缩短了从甲地到乙地的时间。The significance of this dramatic change is not simply about the greatly reduced time required to go from point "A" to point "B".

事实上搜寻工作很困难。因为常常是在早晨在甲地发现那只,美洲狮,晚上却在20英里外的乙地发现它的踪迹。The search proved difficult for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place 20 miles away in the evening.

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此外,连续使用甲地孕酮,每日口服2至4次,每次40mg,对于已经排除合并内膜癌可能的病人也可适用。Alternatively, continuous oral megestrol at doses of 40 mg two to four times per day can be administered after coexistent endometrial cancer is excluded.

甲地段我们成功的原因,无非是我一直愿意与员工每3-4家伙项目,而大多数建筑师的地方,最多一两个。A lot of the reason for our success is just that I've been willing to staff every project with 3-4 guys, whereas most architects place one or two at the most.

加之,这些劳动者居住的地方,往往相隔很远,把材料由甲地运至乙地,该需要多少商人和运输者啊!How many merchants and carriers, besides, must have been employed in transporting the materials from some of those workmen to others who often live in a very distant part of the country!