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他与罪恶作斗争。He warred against vice.

他与绝望作斗争。He fought against despair.

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权力斗争回来了。The power struggle is back.

生死存亡的斗争。A life- and- death struggle.

但是卡扎菲誓言继续斗争。But Gadhafi vowed to fight on.

这完全是一场心理斗争。It's all a battle of the mind.

昨天我敢于斗争。Yesterday I dared to struggle.

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纳粹和苏维埃仍在斗争Nazis and Soviets still dueling

灯灭了大概有一分钟吧,我的心里激烈斗争,拿,还是不拿?The light was off for a minute.

斗争进一步激化。The struggle became more acute.

我们必须继续斗争到底。We must fight on until the end.

他同自己的命运作斗争。He contended against his own fate.

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两党为权力而斗争。The two parties duelled for power.

必须有人敢于和他们斗争。Somebody's got to stand up to them.

他们为了解放而英勇斗争。They fought bravely for liberation.

这是全年龄女性的斗争!This is a War on Women of all ages!

这是一场毫不调和的斗争。This is an uncompromising struggle.

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要为西楼而斗争!To fight for west building! ! ! ! !

他们进行了拼死的斗争。They conducted a desperate struggle.

内格罗蓬特不必单枪匹马地进行斗争。Negroponte won't have to fight alone.