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你穿那件衣服显得很寒碜。You look rather shabby in those rags.

你穿着这些衣服看上去有点寒碜。You look a bit tatty in these clothes.

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先是他那寒碜的小店变得面目一新了。First his humble little shop became a smart one.

我没有礼服手帕,自觉寒碜。Without a dress handkerchief, I felt underdressed.

在通常情况下,她还是能够忍受她那拥挤寒碜的家庭生活。In general, she could accept the family life in all its crowded inadequacy.

尽管她已成为名人,却仍然过着拮据寒碜的生活。Although she has become a celebrity, she still maintains an extremely frugal and sparing life.

站长完全可以包装一下,用一些图片或广告来充实一下网页,使之不至于如此寒碜。Owners can packaged, with some pictures or advertisements to enrich your web and avoid getting so shabby.

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有时,你会感到开一辆丰田普锐斯太寒碜了,还好有些公司能满足你的要求。Sometimes a Toyota Prius with unlimited mileage just is not enough. Happily, several companies exist to cater to your needs.

交通混乱拥堵,行人毫无忌惮,公车拥挤不堪,火车站肮脏寒碜。The traffic was aggressive and choked, the pedestrian crossings deadly, the buses overcrowded, the train stations scruffy and underfunded.

如果你穿得很寒碜,你需要学习更好地管理你的钱财,那样你可以买更好的衣服,因此你也无需加薪。If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a pay raise.

这些照片可寒碜了——我得想想办法,看怎么能够让查理把它们挪到别的地方去,起码我住在这里的时候不能挂着。Those were embarrassing to look at — I would have to see what I could do to get Charlie to put them somewhere else, at least while I was living here.

或者是那女人娘家落魄了,少爷出行,居然没有跟班,还带着个寒碜的朋友?Or is that the natal home of that woman is down and out, the young master goes, there is incredibly no footman, also take the friend of the cold Chen?

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毫无疑问,对于这位衣衫寒碜的渔夫他是颇为关注的,并为渔夫耽误了这次捕鱼的机会感到十分惋惜。Undoutedly, he was very much concerned about this fisherman in miserable rags, and was feeling a pity for the man's missing the chance to set out fishing.

这次是剧照噢,尹恩惠穿着蓝色运动服,扎这一小撮辫子是为神马呢?就算是这样寒碜的造型,报友们是否觉得尹恩惠还是可爱完了呢?。This is the stills Oh, Ny wearing blue sportswear, bar a small group of braids is God horse?Even if such shabby shape, to the faithful feel that Ny is lovely over it?

卡尔本想借机寒碜杰克一番,没想到杰克在餐桌前滴坦诚之言竟博得满堂喝彩。Karl wanted to use the opportunity to shabby Jack about it, I did not expect the table in front of Jack in the words of sincere applause brought the house unexpectedly.

他办完了这件事以后,就穿着木鞋和寒碜的上衣独自一人走来,因为钟声是那么洪亮和深沉,他非来不可。This he had done, and was now going on in wooden shoes and in his humble dress, for the bell sounded with so deep a tone, and with such strange power, that proceed he must.

那两个住处是两套相当简陋、外貌寒碜的公寓房子,分在两个相隔很远的市区,一处在西街,另一处在武人街。These two apartments were very pitiable, poor in appearance, and in two quarters which were far remote from each other, the one in the Rue de l'Ouest, the other in the Rue de l'Homme Arme.

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暂且先别顾及新娘的心里,看她们会不会觉得在麦当劳结婚太过于“寒碜”“穷酸”了,人家麦当劳都不一定同意每一对新人在他们店里结婚呢,瞧,麦当劳公司声明,店内的婚庆服务只面向真正“有需求”的客户。But while you may think any self-respecting bride would blush if she were to get married there, McDonald's claims it has decided to offer the service only after acquiescing to public demand for it.