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因为你的坦白率真。Because of your frankness.

纯爷们儿的生活自己做主,活得率真,死得洋盘!!!Life is what you make it, live fast, die young! ! !

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他以自己的率真迷住了观众。With ingenuous sincerity, he captivated his audience.

率真可以为新的机遇,人际关系打下基础。Openness can provide the basis for new opportunities and relationships.

总之,简单率真的赤子之情能造就快乐迷人的你!All in all, be simple and straightforward, then you'll be more charming!

它们都是如此率真和正确,那些激荡的风暴都是你的青少年期。How pure and righteous they are and how passionately storm-drenched was your adolescence.

对于一种道德的偏见的率真,恐怕我依旧还没有足够清楚地证实。I am afraid that I still haven't clearly enough demonstrated the naïveté of a moral bias.

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那需要勇气、率真、和充满真诚兄弟之爱的援助。And that takes courage, straightforwardness, and a full helping of genuine brotherly love.

李三辈质朴率真、有实干劲头,是一个具有时代特色的青年工人形象。Li San presents a primitive, pure and down-to-earth young worker image with its modern color.

希福的自然率真深深地打动了他,“这种‘真’在舞蹈圈里是难能可贵的。”He was impressed by Xi's naturalness and openness, which is lacking in official dance circles.

很显然,她恣意挥洒的自然风度和率真个性绝非刻意为之。She clearly has plenty of natural poise and genuine personality that is anything but contrived.

我必须说他的勇气、率真和诚恳的确赢得了尊敬。I have to say that his courage, his straight-forwardness and his honesty really command respect.

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敢于对媒体讲,拿十万元奖金来买靴子,需要多少率真与坦诚。How much sincerity and frankness she needs to speak out the usage of reward to but a pair of boots?

他的微笑、他的歌曲、他的舞蹈、他的戏剧、他的幽默、他的善良、他的率真还是他是吴建豪?His smile, his songs, his dance, his drama, his humor, his warm heart, his true character or just Van Ness?

此款香水宛如阳光透过轻帘,展现女性的率真本质。Like the warm sunlight filters through the light curtain, Hypnose Senses reveals the essence of femininity.

在字里行间让你感应到率真,强烈的感性和缠绵悱恻的性感。Therefore , you can realise her straight-forwardness, keen emotions and lingering sexiness among her lines.

张君秋的新唱腔,不离京剧风格,不落俗套,他的艺术风格,在于自然率真。His acting and singing was new and natural, different from the former style but also faithful to Peking Opera.

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龚兴伦的水墨古代人物画,风格率真大气、人物造型高古清雅。Gong Xinglun ancient ink figure painting, outspoken style atmosphere, the characters of ancient elegant high style.

感觉自己越来越接近内心深处的真谛——诚实,率真,并且深爱着。I feel like I'm becoming more and more in touch with the little kid inside–honest, candid, and established in love.

其实,她的博客没有太大意思,我猜人们喜欢她是因为她率真,没有女演员的矫情。People like her because she is candid and doesn't have the pretentiousness that is typical of many other actresses.