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他以力大无穷著称。He was known for his strength.

大连以其旅游业著称。Dalian is famous for its tourism.

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那个旅馆以晚餐而著称。The hotel is famous for its suppers.

那个酒店以晚餐而著称。The hotel is famous for its suppers.

并且她以其精湛的演技著称。And she is famous for her fine acting.

他以真诚待人而著称。He is well known for his honest dealing.

她的作品以简洁著称。Her work is known for pithiness of style.

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白宫蓝厅以蓝色调著称。White House Blue Room in blue known tune.

这个岛以避暑胜地而著称。The island is noted for its summer resort.

他以治学严谨著称。He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.

蚌蛎类蛤蜊以长寿而著称。Quahog clams are known for their longevity.

承德以它的美丽风景而著称。Chengde is famous for its beautiful scenery.

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他们这个部队向来以军风严整著称。Their troop is famous for its neat carriage.

法国以产酒国著称于世。France is famous as a wine-producing country.

金巴兰海滩以海上日落著称。Gold balaam beach with sea sunset celebrated.

绵羊以一身厚密的羊毛著称。Sheep are known for their thick coat of fleece.

德里达是以解构主义而著称于世的。Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism.

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马克·吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。Mark Twin was famous as a children-story writer.

这位画家以其山水画著称。The drawer is famous for his landscape painting.

马克•吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。Mark Twain was famous as a children-story writer.