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双拉链网,内衬腿放空。Double zip mesh lined inner leg venting.

放空,让今天变得更美好。Empty a space, and make it beautiful today.

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好像是说,我总是从一种头脑放空的状态开始写作一部小说。I always start a novel from a state of tabula rasa.

阀门可用于管端作放空阀用,性能可靠。The valves can used for pipe nozzle and have reliable performance.

放空自己很重要,而且这也需要花费时间。It is important to be clear-headed, and this will require some time.

我好像每天在放空状态,甚至上班也会走了反方向的路。I feel emptying everyday, I even take the reverse position to go to work.

如果你没法放空底角的人,内线防守会很弱。Inside defense would be weak when you can't sag off the man in the corner.

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在进行拆卸期间,应把最接近的美孚油缸放空。The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling.

我们常发现,在你放空的时候,你的潜意识仍旧在就某个问题继续工作。Often, when you’re idling, your subconscious is still working away on a problem.

引水洞、排沙洞、放空洞、导流洞口等。Water hole, spillway sediment tunnel, put the diversion tunnel hole, mouth, etc.

联航发言人说,驾驶员将燃油放空后,返航紧急降落。United Airlines spokesman said the driver, fuel venting, the return emergency landing.

放空噪声声压级随着氧气压力、排放流量的增大而按对数关系提高。Its strength was increased with oxygen pressure and outlet flowrate in logarithm relation.

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打开泵体的高点放空阀及出口管线高点放空阀,排气至无气体。Open pump casing high pointing venting and discharge high pointing venting until gas free.

测试过程中一直使用的所有放空阀和排水阀均必须不带任何泄漏。All vents and drain valves which are to remain in service during the test must be leak free.

提出应用泡点来判断是否连续放空的方法。A method with bubbling point to judge whether to be in continuous-venting has been presented.

空分装置的噪声主要来自空压机组和分馏放空系统。Noise of air seperation plant mainly comes from air compressor and fractional venting system.

葡萄园主行动队成员放空了位于法国尼姆的,13个装满智利葡萄酒的槽罐中的1个。A commando vineyard owner empties one of 13 wine tanks filled with Chilian wine in Nimes, France.

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改变了移液管的热载体加热、放空管线和回液管线。The heat carrier heating, blow down and liquid recovery pipeline of the transfer pipe was changed.

这火车先把煤运至秦皇岛,然后放空车到天津载货。The train carried coal to Qinhuangdao and then deadheaded back to Tianjin to pick up another load.

它也不介意你尝试“理性”地让它离开,沉思或者放空你的心。It doesn’t care if you try to calmly let it go. It doesn’t care if you meditate and empty your mind.