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和慈善机构共同拥有?Co-own with a charity?

捐钱给慈善机构。Donate money to charity.

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请富人去搞慈善活动吧。Ask them to give charity.

向慈善机构捐献食物。Donate food to a charity.

她常向慈善机构捐赠。She often gives to the charity.

大哥继续奔波于各大慈善事业Jackie Continues Charitable Work

无所不能等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。Don't wait to a smile to be nice.

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他将自己的钱用于慈善事业。He disposed his money in charity.

他把所有的钱都遗赠给了慈善事业。He left all his money to charity.

鞋类慈善网站soles4souls.org则把鞋子送往受灾地区。 is sending shoes.

你在慈善学校做些什么呢?What do you do in charity school?

佛教慈善医院欢迎你们!Buddhist Charity Hospital Welcome!

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不要等到了一个笑容才面漏慈善。Don't wait for a smile to be nice.

对慈善婚礼说“我愿意”。Say “I Do” to Charitable Weddings.

他们为资助慈善事业而举办表演会。They gave a show in aid of charity.

你是如何定义慈善的呢?What is your definition of charity?

他们把钱捐给慈善事业。They dispensed the money to charity.

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和平,就像慈善一样,从家开始。Peace , like charity, begins at home.

她捐钱给慈善团体。She contributed money to the charity.

但是基本上是慈善机构的一个标志。But basically an icon for the charity.