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他是我的无机化学老师!He was my orgturn intoneficialic chem tepainfulnessr!

无机化学的基础很重要。The fundamentals of inorganic chemistry are very important.

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实际上,这种新型泳衣就是无机化学的产物,它已经颠覆了整个水上运动界。In fact, it's inorganic chemistry and it has upset the aquatics world.

他现在科大念生物无机化学哲学硕士课程。He is now an MPhil candidate at HKUST, studying bio- inorganic chemistry.

本文报道了无机化学的教学改革与实践。Inorganic chemistry teaching reform and practice is reported in this paper.

模拟法是生物无机化学的重要研究方法。Simulation is the most important method in the study of bioinorganic chemistry.

在此基础上,探讨了我国生物无机化学的进一步发展策略和方向。Future strategy for development of bioinorganic chemistry in China is discussed.

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本文对无机化学实验常用的氧化物的实验室制取方法作一小结。In this paper experimental methods of preparation of usual oxides are gathered together.

来自格拉斯哥大学的研究小组展示了一种培养出无机化学细胞的新途径。A team from Glasgow University has demonstrated a new way of making inorganic chemical cells.

维克多·梅耶是一位德国化学家,在有机化学和无机化学领域做出了重大的贡献。Viktor Meyer was a German chemist and significant contributor to both organic and inorganic chemistry.

杨德壬,无机化学中的一些热力学问题,上海科技出版社,上海。D. A. Johnoson, "Some Thermodynamic Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry", 2nd ed. , Cambridge University Press.

公司拥有多种精细化工产品和百余种有机、无机化学试剂。The company has a variety of fine chemical products and hundreds of kinds of organic and inorganic chemicals.

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本文阐述了我国传统无机化学教学模式的特点和缺陷,探讨了网络教学模式与传统教学结合的优越性和必要性。This paper deals with the new idea and new notion that have been introduced in-to the inorganic chemistry teaching.

环保署管辖的有毒有机和无机化学课程中包含的水进入最后的污水排放。The EPD governs the toxic organic and inorganic chemicals contained in the final effluent discharging into water courses.

在硕士生高等无机化学实验中采用微型化学实验,提高了学生的实验技能。The students experimental ability was improved by experiment of advanced inorganic chemistry including microscale laboratory.

文章从三个方面阐释了化学史在无机化学教学中的重要作用。This article expounds the important function of chemical history in inorganic chemistry teaching from following three aspects.

无机化学主要研究如何人工合成并使用例如金属、陶瓷、染料、涂层物质和燃料等无机成分。Inorganic chemists study how to synthesize and use inorganic compounds such as metals, ceramics, pigments, coatings, and fuels.

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目前,这一领域已经成为无机化学、晶体化学和材料化学等学科的前沿课题。Recently, this area has become one of the most active studies of inorganic chemistry, crystal chemistry and material chemistry.

生物无机化学快速发展的领域就集中在生命体系中配位化合物的存在上。The rapidly developing field of bioinorganic chemistry is centered on the presence of coordination compounds in living systems.

生物无机化学,作为一门新兴的交叉学科在过去几十年里取得了令人瞩目的成就和发展。Bioinorganic chemistry, as an emerging cross-disciplinary in the past few decades has made remarkable achievements and development.