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干杯,朋友们。Cheers, my friend.

给你——干杯!Here you are-cheers!

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“干杯,”曼迪说。“Salud, ” Mandy said.

干杯!我的水手们!Drink up! My hearties!

“干杯,”曼迪说。“Cheers, ” Mandy said.

为您的健康干杯。Cheers! To your health.

祝您健康!干杯!To your health! Cheers!

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我们为她的胜利干杯。We drank to her victory.

喝红酒时不能干杯。Don't quaff the red wine.

他们为他的健康干杯。They drink to his health.

他们为他的健康干杯。They quaffed him carouse.

我们为了奥拓干杯。We drank a toast to the Alto.

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他提议为布鲁尔的健康干杯。He proposed Brougher's health.

我们为彼此的健康干杯。We toasted each other's health.

我也没有。让我们为此干杯。Me neither. Let's drink to this.

让我们为怡园酒庄的成功干杯!Here's a toast to Grace's success!

我提议,让我们为史密斯先生干杯!Let me propose a toast to Mr.Smith.

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让我们为新郎新娘干杯。Let's drink to the bride and groom.

祝您健康,我要为此干杯。To your health. I'll drink to that.

为相爱和海誓山盟而干杯。Drink toasts of love and commitment.