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这个男孩胆小如鼠。The boy is as timid as a rabbit.

她因他胆小如鼠而鄙视他。She despised him for his cowardice.

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毕竟,欧洲虽富有但却胆小如鼠。After all, Europe is rich but wimpy.

在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。He remained a mouse in public affairs.

他是个谨慎的人,简直是个胆小如鼠的人。He is a cautious man, indeed a timid one.

结果,他就变得胆小如鼠。As a result, he had become the soul of caution.

他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。His cowardice in face of the enemy was contemptible 7.

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你可以说这头狮子“胆小如鼠。”You could say that the cowardly lion was "chicken-hearted."

“别害怕,你们这些胆小如鼠的东西!”只听得她用戏谑的口气说道。"Don't be scared, chickens! " came her voice with teasing gaiety.

“别害怕,你们这些胆小如鼠的东西!”只听她用戏谑的口气说道。"Don't be scared, chickens, "coming her words with teasing gaiety.

在使用此法时要胆小如鼠,以免会发生溢流现象。Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.

不论什么从机场出来漫步到镇上的人都要胆小如鼠一番。Bnyone who does wander into town from the airport should do so carefully.

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不要担心斯蒂芬可能会干出挑衅性的事来——他胆小如鼠。Don't worry that Stephen might be aggressive-he's afraid of his own shadow.

现在博德培养的是一群胆小如鼠,卖友求荣的家伙。It's gone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches.

比如她胆小如鼠,都不敢一个人在晚上走过一条黑暗的街道。For example, she is too chicken-livered to walk down a dark street alone at night.

她很容易受惊吓。比如她胆小如鼠,都不敢一个人在晚上走过一条黑暗的街道。She is easily frightened. For example, she is too chicken-livered to walk down a dark street alone at night.

还有什么“胆小如鼠”,这还不都是你们给逼的,见到我们就那么声色俱厉、耀武扬威、棍棒伺候,我们能不胆小吗?What "as timid as a mouse", this is not to force all of you, we will then see around, sticks to wait, we can not do timid ?

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如果能够研发药物刺激这个区域的脑细胞,胆小如鼠者可能会变得胆大,不再害怕蜘蛛,不恐高,并敢于当众演讲。The drug that activates these brain cells could help people face their phobias, from spiders to heights and public speaking.

伊万是一个胆小如鼠的小个子男人,他的胆子太小了,所以村子里人都叫他“胆小鬼”,或者嘲讽的成他为“怕死鬼伊万”。Ivan was a timid little man——so timid that the villages called him “Pigeon” or mocked him with the title “Ivan the Terrible.”

伊万是一个胆小如鼠的小个子男人,他的胆子太小了,所以村子里人都叫他“胆小鬼”,或者嘲讽的成他为“怕死鬼伊万”。Ivan was a timid little man---so timid that the villages called him "Pigeon" or mocked him with the title "Ivan the Terrible. "