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爵士乐好象在华人嬉哈里还是块处女地。Jazz seems to be a virgin territory in Mandopop.

五十年前,亚马逊几乎还是一块处女地。Fifty years ago, the Amazon was still largely intact.

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目前,琶洲岛仍是一块尚未开发的处女地。Currently, Pazhou Island is a piece of untapped virgin land.

对初创企业进行投资的领域宛如一大片充满机遇的处女地。There is a huge, unexploited opportunity in startup investing.

我的灵魂飞向森林中的处女地和广漠的平原。My soul flits away into the virgin forests and to the savannas.

大王岭原始森林植被茂盛。是一片未开发的处女地。Dawang Ridge Primitive Forest, covered with plants, is still unexploited.

建国前,中国军事医学史还是一片未开垦的处女地。Before Liberation, the study on Chinese military medicine is a virgin land.

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在中部广阔的土地上,丁磊相信有网易未开垦的处女地。On mid and vast land, ding Lei believes to have the virgin land with incult Netease.

迄今不到200百年以前,新的国家还只能在无人认领的处女地建立。Less than two centuries ago, new nations could still be staked out on terra incognita.

他是头一个把冰冷刚硬的犁尖耕进这块处女地的人。He was the first man to stick the cold steel point of a turning plow into the virgin soil.

但中国西南地区的山林对于观鸟者来说还差不多是块处女地。But China's mountain forests of the south-west are nearly virgin territory for ornithologists.

不过,对于鸟类学家来说,中国西南部的山地森林才是几乎未被开发的处女地。But China’s mountain forests of the south-west are nearly virgin territory for ornithologists.

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作为旅游合同的分支,包价旅游合同的研究更是一片等待开垦的处女地。As an important branch of travel contract, the research of organized travel contract is still a virgin land.

世界上第一个国家公园——黄石公园是一块处女地。In Yellowstone—the first national park in the world—the land was set aside in a single, nearly virginal lump.

白海,也就是这些图片的拍摄地,是地球上最偏远且未被开发的处女地之一。The White Sea, where these pictures were taken, is one of the most remote and untouched places left on Earth.

广漠辽阔的处女地不仅伸展到河两岸,甚至越过它。Broad belts of the virgin wilderness not only reached the shores of the first river, but they even crossed it.

新加坡1819年以东西贸易开埠,新加坡河的两岸就是这座城邦的处女地。Singapore 1819 by opening wharfs, west trade on both sides of the Singapore river is the city-state of virgin land.

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随着城市化进程的快速发展,在地产业风起云涌的三亚,“鹿回头半岛”已成为唯一一块不被惊扰的处女地。With the rapid progress of urbanism, Luhuitou Peninsula is the only virgin land of increasing real estate industry in Sanya.

在众多企业眼中,中国乳业市场似乎成为最后一块可以开发的处女地。In numerous company eye, market of Chinese milk estate makes the virgin land that can develop together finally it seems that.

“荒野”是阿拉斯加沿岸未被开垦的处女地,而“野性”则处处都有,它可以身处密林深处,亦可以隐匿在你家的后花园中。While wilderness might be untrammeled land along the Alaskan coast, wildness can happen anywhere —in the jungle or your backyard.