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我在坚持不懈方面做得怎样?How would I rate on persistence?

如果你坚持不懈,最终将成功。If you keep trying you will succeed.

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INFJ有着一种“坚持不懈”的态度。An INFJ has a "stick to it" attitude.

我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。We all admire their persistant efforts.

你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。Patience and caution are your advantages.

我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。All of us admire their persistent efforts.

找到你的激情,坚持不懈地追求它。Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly.

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他们坚持不懈,默默地干了一段时间。They pegged away in silence for some time.

一次一小步,坚持不懈的向目标移动。Keep moving forward one small step at a time.

不过,好也罢歹也罢,读书我倒是坚持不懈。But through good and evil I stuck to my books.

我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。We all admired on their persevering hard work.

这项工作要一抓到底,坚持不懈。This job should catch after all, unremittingly.

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不过,如果你能坚持不懈,那么一切也许还能补救。But it was nothing that doggedness couldn't cure.

站立是为了让你坚持不懈的写作,倒下去是为了跑起来。Standing is to writing what falling is to running.

你的职业动机始终如一并且坚持不懈。Your career motivation is constant and relentless.

经过我坚持不懈的努力,我终于认识了他。By my remorseless great efforts, i met him finally.

东柏林人民坚持不懈地追求西方自由。East Berliners continued to seek freedom in the west.

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一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。——司汤达。A man who pursues his dream unremittingly will make it.

你必须坚持不懈的朝着目标的方向进发。You must constantly move in the direction of that goal.

征服英语的唯一出路就是坚持不懈地炼习!The only way to conquer English is to practice constantly!