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他们是“温顺的”。They are “meek”.

她的温顺让他吃惊。Her docility had surprised him.

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就目前而言,中国的年轻人相当温顺。China’s youth is docile, for now.

羊是种温顺的动物。Sheep are pretty docile creatures.

而你就像一只温顺的小绵羊。And you just like a docile yeanling.

他是个温顺且彬彬有礼的孩子。He is a docile and well-behaved child.

大众通常变得沉默温顺。Crowds generally become quiet and docile.

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大熊猫的性情很温顺。Giant pandas have very docile temperaments.

温顺,被拉着头发拖来拖去Submissive and dragged around by their hair

本用温顺的脚指抚仄了它的羽毛。Ben smoothed its feathers with gentle fingers.

他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布。He expects his wife to be meek and submissive.

她的性情太温顺了,不会对我发火的。She has too mild a nature to get angry with me.

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温顺是他所欣赏的妻子的优点之一。Meekness is a virtue he appreciates in his wife.

一个胆小而温顺,另一个则胆大而凶猛。One shy and gentle and the other bold and fierce.

它是一只温顺、活泼、聪明的狗。He was a good-natured, high-spirited, intelligent dog.

你会发现狗既温顺又友好。You will find the dog's tractability and friendliness.

泳池里的她肯定因为温顺而显得轻浮。In the pool, she must have been giddy with agreeability.

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给你颁发诺贝尔奖杯仅仅意味着你对当权者所做的的劳务获得了重视,给予你荣誉是因为你已经是一个温顺的,优良的奴才,是因为你还没误入歧途,还没有偏离前辈的轨道。Giving the Nobel prize to a person simply means that your

它们也很温顺,可以训练为很好的玩赏动物。They are also gentle, and may be trained to be good pets.

最后我栖居在温顺里,与你轻巧在这个时节。Finally I resided in warm, and your lissom in this season.