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人手一册。Everyone has a copy.

是的,我们现在正缺人手。Yeah, we are short-handed now.

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我们需要人手来帮助抢收小麦。We need help to get the wheat in.

学生们人手一册新书。The students each have a new book.

我们总是在星期天缺人手。We are always shorthanded on Sundays.

谁说现在的湖人队人手短缺的?Who says the Lakers are short-handed?

妈妈需要额外的人手帮厨。Mother needs extra help in the kitchen.

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这人手勤脚快。This man is keen and quick in his work.

爱华德是我们高尔夫球俱乐部里的重要人手。Edward is the bigdaddy of our golf club.

我们此刻相当缺人手。We are rather shorthanded at the moment.

爱华德是我们高尔夫球俱乐部里的重要人手。Edward is the big daddy of our golf club.

他经常贴广告雇佣人手。He constantly advertised for hired hands.

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我们整个夏天一直人手不够。We have been shorthanded all summer long.

当你招聘人手的时候你需要什么类型的?What do you look for when You hire people?

筐里是一只黄里透黑的人手。In the bucket is a yellow-black human hand.

缺武器,缺人手,但反击。Outgunned, outnumbered, but now fighting back.

我们需增派更多的人手使这艘船卸货返航。We need some more men to turn the ship around.

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收获季节,但是没有人手愿意帮忙。Harvest season, yet no hand is willing to help.

SOLAS训练手册不够人手一本。SOLAS training manuals not enough for every crew.

该商店在圣诞节期间缺少人手。The store is underhanded in the Christmas season.