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是一个情态动词。"Can" is a modal verb.

“流行”在这里呢是个动词。Liuxing" here is a verb."

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情态动词只有一种形式。Modals have only one form.

并且没有联合动词。And no conjugating of verbs.

短语动词还是单词?。Phrasal verb or single word?

德语动词放在句末。The German verb is postponed.

名词词语,动词,名词词语。Noun phrase, verb, noun phrase.

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这些动词常被弄混。These verbs are often confused.

及物动词有宾语。Transitive verbs have an object.

我在示例中使用的是动词形式。I use a verb form in the example.

学习动词变化——我是说双向。Learn the conjugations—both ways.

老师就动词考问我们。The teacher question us on verbs.

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你要的动词都送了。What you want has been sent here.

分词是从动词中分出来的。Participles are formed from verbs.

她令整个家族蒙羞。作动词时表示“使丢脸”。She is the disgrace of the family.

下一章讨论动词。The next chapter deals with verbs.

两个情态动词不能同时使用。You never use two modals together.

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及物动词有一个宾语。A transitive verb takes an object.

最为常见的系动词是be。The most common copular verb is be.

一个简单句只有一个动词。A simple sentence has only one verb.