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何以变卦?Why all this sudden change?

幸存者将何以果腹?What will the survivors eat?

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何以自处?How can you control yourself?

匈奴未灭,何以家为?The Hun is not out, why home?

无邪和美丽又何以诞生?Are innocence and beauty born?

何以自解?How are you to explain yourself?

何以说它们是界标?。In what sense are they landmarks?

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阿姆斯特朗,你让我情何以堪。Armstrong , you made me embrassed.

可那些辗转难眠的时日又何以存在?But why those sleepless days exist?

床榻与草地何以给弄得齐平。Why the beds and lawns are leveled.

你何以改变不如它?Shouldst thou change less than they.

一屋不扫何以扫天下?。A house so why do not sweep the world?

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孔子问他,先生何以如此快乐?Confucius asked him why so happy, sir?

只不过是场简短的约会,何以置于生活失败?It was a shortish date. Failed at life?

准确度何以作为一个问题呢Okay. So how can accuracy be a problem?

艺术节本地节目何以失常?Why do local acts go off at Arts Fests?

桑乐发展何以又好又快?。Why Sangle Solar energy develop so fast?

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爸爸妈妈,你们的婚姻何以能长久?Mom and dad, what makes your marriage last.

“科学与价值无涉”何以可能?。How is the possibility of value-free science?

叙事时间何以具有可断性?How can narrated time have "interruptibility"?