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所以你想成为一位流行男高音吗?SO YOU WANT TO BE A POP TENOR?

这位男高音被奉为名人。The tenor was lionized in Vienna.

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有男低音,有男高音,还有节奏声。There was bass, tenor and rhythm.

这位男高音歌手师承一位歌唱家。The tenor was a pupil of a singer.

由三个呢,世界三大男高音。There are three of them, the Three Tenors.

这是男高音和女低音的组合。It is a combination of the tenor and the alto.

沙哑的男高音把音乐会搞砸了。The hoarse tenor singer mucked up the recital.

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女主人请闻名男高音歌唱家斯米尔唱一首抒情歌曲。Goodwife asks famous tenor singer Simier sings a lyric song.

声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。The four parts in singing are soprano, alto, tenor and bass.

这是男高音和女低音的组合。Soprano, alto, tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts.

那位歌剧男高音已不能像以前那样唱高音了。That opera tenor can no loger hit the high notes as he used to.

不管怎样,他是上世纪顶级男高音之一!Matter-of-course , he was one of the top tenors in last century!

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男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出.The tenor soloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness.

在举行派对的时候,斯特雷特的吉他演奏和男高音演唱使现场气氛异常活跃。He enlivened the party scene with his guitar and good tenor voice.

49岁的波伽利,开创了古典流行融和的风格,掀起了一股歌剧歌手因“三大男高音”的影响力而跨界掘金的浪潮。Bocelli, 49, pioneered the amalgamation of classical and pop styles that

他忧郁沉思的外表和广受欢迎的曲目令安德烈•波伽利的唱片销量达到了6000万张,但这位意大利男高音现在承认,他为了出名而损害了自己的天赋。Bocelli to sell 60 million records, but the Italian tenor has now admitted

鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂,世界上最受欢迎的男高音,于2007年9月6日逝世,享年71岁。Luciano Pavarotti, the world's favourite tenor, died on September 6th, aged 71

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视障的他并没有因此就放弃成为男高音的梦想。Although he is visually impaired, he did not abandon his dream of becoming a tenor.

为女高音,女低音,男高音和小管弦乐队而作的“犹太人的民歌”。"From Jewish Folk Poetry", song cycle for soprano, contralto, tenor and small orchestra.

为男高音,男低音,儿童合唱队和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧森林之歌。The Song of the Forests, oratorio, for tenor, bass, childrens chorus, chorus & orchestra.