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他出其不意地撞我的身体。He jabbed me in the body.

他出其不意地使我招认了。He surprised me into confession.

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必须出其不意,才能套出真情。The truth must be elicited by surprise.

志贵明白了死亡总是出其不意来临的。Shiki muses that death is always abrupt.

需要出其不意吗,等等Does it have to be a surprise, and so on?

警察出其不意地使小偷招认了。The police surprised the thief into confessing.

然而,Palm出其不意地捕获了消费电子行业和业内的评论家。Palm caught the industry and the pundits by surprise.

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警察印发出其不意行凶抢劫者的形象拼图。The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.

在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。On a wild night our regiment take the fort by surprise.

在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。On a wild night our regiment took the fort by surprise.

要确保胜利,我们就必须出其不意、攻其不备。To ensure success, we'll have to take them by surprise.

爱是,等候红灯时的一个出其不意的吻。Love is steading a kiss when you stop before at the red light.

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所以马,不像其他走直线的棋子,它会给你出其不意的惊喜。So the knight, far from going on a straight course, surprises you.

警察悄悄从背后绕过去,出其不意地将歹徒逮捕。The police crept up from behind and took the gangster by surprise.

这些办法都能有一些出其不意的好效果。These approaches often have a smooth unexpected beneficial effect.

若苏厄由基耳加耳出发,整夜行军,出其不意,突然向他们进攻。So Josue going up from Galgal all the night, came upon them suddenly.

想要很好的接受出其不意的批评,我们需要一个策略。To take in surprise criticism more productively, we need a game plan.

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这一年春天,他在妻子与拉罗哲•马底欧幽会时出其不意地将他们捉了双。That spring he surprised his wife and Laroche-Mathieu at a rendezvous.

安德烈和其手下出其不意地受到攻击,他们向移动中的车开火。Andre and his men are taken by surprise, and they fire at the moving vehicle.

然后,格罗斯以闪电般的速度,出其不意地一把抓住来复枪管,顺势将枪拖开。Then, moving with catlike speed, Gross seized the rifle barrel and pulled it away.