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部队已进入战备状态。The troops have entered into combat readiness.

我认为这是理想的方阵战备方式I'd like to think that's the ideal hoplite mode.

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从来没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.

卸下伪装,解除战备,好好疼惜珍爱真实的自我。Taking off my mask and armor, I cherish my true self.

将能源研究与开发的公共投资提到战备高度Put public investment in energy R&D on a wartime footing

1975年,战备军协的第一个俱乐部就设在这里。This is where SAFRA built its very first clubhouse in 1975.

我是在战备军人协会崭新的大巴窑俱乐部和大家讲话。I am speaking to you from the new SAFRA clubhouse in Toa Payoh.

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李如松在安州召开会议商讨平壤战备。In the state of Ann ru-song li held a meeting to discuss Pyongyang combat readiness.

印度空军干得漂亮。你们的战备给了我们反击中国的信心。Amazing job performed by IAF. Your preparedness give us confidence to counter China's move.

训练与演习方案对培养单位的战备能力和战斗效力至关重要。Training and exercise programs are key to maintaining unit readiness and combat effectiveness.

战备完好性是舰船系统在使用过程中需要达到的一种质量特性。Readiness is a necessary quality characteristic of naval ship's weapon system in ap? plication.

俄罗斯战略空军和俄西部地区的前线空军也全部进入战备状态。Russia Strategic air and Russia western area's front air force also all enters the alert posture.

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泄露文件说“一级战备计划的部署在2002年二月就开始了。”The leaked documents say that “formation-level planning for a deployment took place from February 2002”.

有翅的吉奥诺西斯战斗工兵迅速进入成年期,在六岁时就进入战备状态。The winged Geonosian soldier drones grow to adulthood rapidly, and are ready for combat at the age of six.

由于团队担负着繁重的战备值勤训练任务,也是通信兵对外开放的一个“窗口”。As the team bears a heavy-duty combat readiness training mission, the Signal Corps is also opening a "window."

在主要的战备演习中,政府承包商经常被要求提供额外的支持。Government contractors sometimes are called on to provide additional support during major preparedness exercises.

产品广泛应用于国防战备车、远洋轮、宾馆酒店等公共卫浴设施中。Our products are widely used in public sanitary facilities, like defense combat readiness car, ocean vessel and hotel.

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本文论述了军队医院战备抽组后,动员地方卫生力量对军队医院空缺人数进行补充的尝试。The methods to add workers to the military hospital were discussed while military workers drawn off for combat readiness.

作为中国首架舰载战斗机,它的起飞、着陆和快速战备能力是向前迈进了一大步。As China's first shipboard fighter, its capabilities in takeoff, landing and rapid combat-readiness are a major step forward.

为了保证某型导弹发射台的战备完好性,需要对其进行故障预测和健康评估。In order to ensure the combat readiness state of a missile launching plat, health evaluation and fault prognostics are needed.