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特洛伊熊猫?Trojan panda?

咱们看看熊猫吧。Let's see pandas.

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熊猫在哪里?。Where is the panda?

咱们看看这些熊猫吧。Let's see the pandas.

而敌人正是一只熊猫。The enemy is a panda.

这只熊猫很憨厚。This is a good panda.

我是那个大胖熊猫!I'm the Big Fat Panda!

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他妈的功夫熊猫?…Fucking Kung-Fu pandas?

我要熊猫牌的。I prefer Panda, please.

这熊猫真可爱。Oh, the panda is so cute.

这只熊猫有点逗人喜爱。The panda is kind of cute.

早上好,熊猫!Good morning, Panda Pandy !

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让我们先看熊猫去吧。Let's see the pandas first.

让我们去看看熊猫吧!Let's go and see the pandas.

熊猫吃嫩竹叶。Panda eats shoots and leaves.

是的,你知道熊猫门吗?Yes, do you know Panda Event?

这应该就是熊猫海了吧。This should be the Panda Lake.

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熊猫以吃竹叶为生。A panda lives on bamboo leaves.

功夫熊猫回来啦!Kungfu panda is back in action!

已经绝种的熊猫牌水彩。The extinct Panda Water Colour.