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搞活你的屏幕!Enliven your screen!

屏幕还能用密码锁住。Screen lock with password.

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挥手,跟屏幕前的老妈打个招呼Wave. Wave to mom at home.

这款电脑的屏幕为11.6英寸。It has an 11.6-inch display.

他还说许多孩子在屏幕前时进行着多项任务。Many kids multitask, he says.

移动鼠标越过屏幕。Move mouse across the screen.

杰克呆呆看着电视屏幕,想着心事。Jack gawks at the TV thinking.

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屏幕上的手便握拳。The hand on the screen closes.

只要触击屏幕就能开火了。Just tap on the screen to fire.

请看屏幕,不用着急。Look at this and take a moment.

这部电子书是屏幕是寸数的?。What is the size of this ebook?

它以一5\“为特色颜色屏幕。It features a 5" colour screen."

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屏幕上的内容I have them up on the screen here.

空格键切换屏幕早。Space bar to switch screens early.

整个屏幕就是轨迹板。The entire screen is the trackpad.

电视屏幕上的图像变得模糊了。The television screen blanked out.

我看到屏幕上写着请输入"密码"I saw the thing that said password.

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只有到那时,屏幕才作出更新。Only then should the screen update.

在全屏幕中对全键盘的支持Full keyboard support in full screen

你还可以看到该屏幕被选中。You also see the screen is selected.