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主持人特里贝克届时将介绍名宿们。The legends will be introduced by experienced compere Terry Baker.

利物浦名宿达格利什非常希望杰拉德成为英格兰常任队长。Liverpool icon Kenny Dalglish can see Steven Gerrard being made permanent England captain.

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利物浦名宿肯尼达格利什终于同意成为俱乐部的正式主帅。Liverpool legend Kenny Dalglish has finally agreed to become permanent manager of the club.

难道科比需要通过在总决赛赢下凯尔特人来超越所有其他湖人伟大的名宿,最终成为湖人之王么?Does Kobe need a NBA finals win over Boston to surpass all other Laker greats as King of LA?

利物浦名宿约翰。巴恩斯劝诫自己的老东家千万不要让苏亚雷斯重演“托雷斯式”闹剧。John Barnes has urged Liverpool not to allow Luis Suarez to follow in Fernando Torres' footsteps.

她对于球队的全力支持也使得她成为了像达格利什以及菲尔·尼尔这样的红军名宿们的挚友。Her support was so dedicated that she became friends with the likes of Kenny Dalglish and Phil Neal.

弗格森爵士对刚刚去世的曼联名宿阿尔伯特。司侃龙表达了敬意。Sir Alex Ferguson has paid tribute to former United player Albert Scanlon, who has died at the age of 74.

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他正当而立之年,虽然过去的9个赛季他只打了一部分比赛,但他仍将作为一个历史名宿被人们记住。He's 30 years old, played parts of nine seasons in the NBA, and yet he'll be remembered as a historic icon.

期待阿森纳到来的同时,切尔西昔日名宿兼投注专家凯利-迪克森作出上述建议。That is the advice of Chelsea's resident tipster Kerry Dixon as he looks forward to the arrival of Arsenal.

伊恩拉什重回利物浦,红军名宿将成为俱乐部足球学校的新任大使。Ian Rush has re-signed for Liverpool, with the Reds legend becoming the Club's new Soccer Schools Ambassador.

在那里,他的同学中有一位是国米和意大利的名宿——阿尔托贝利,1982年世界杯冠军队成员。One of his fellow 'students' is former Inter and Italy striker Alessandro Altobelli, a 1982 World Cup winner.

红军名宿菲尔·汤普森表示,历史昭示红军可以在冠军杯16强的比赛中淘汰巴塞罗那。Kop legend Phil Thompson insists history shows the Reds can beat Barcelona in the last 16 of the Champions League.

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利物浦名宿阿兰·汉森表示库伊特最近几周以来所表现出来的态度和状态值得队内的每一个人学习。Former Liverpool captain Alan Hansen believes Dirk Kuyt deserves praise for his attitude and endeavour in recent weeks.

而德国足坛名宿拉特克也站出来支持勒夫,表示库兰伊这个决定是“不可原谅的”。Rathke playing football and Germany have also come out in support of Love, Kuranyi, said the decision was " inexcusable ."

不仅报纸对利物浦赞美声一片,对手和名宿们也感觉到了利物浦的日益强壮。Newspapers not only a voice of praise for Liverpool, playing their opponents and also felt Liverpool's increasingly strong.

NFL名宿,被称为“四分卫终结者”,1996年,他在南佛罗里达州涉嫌非法交易可卡因被捕。NFL legend, known as the "quarterback Terminator", in 1996, he was in South Florida were arrested for illegal cocaine trade.

足坛名宿贝克汉姆的爱车保时捷正在易贝上出售,因为贝克汉姆准备重返英格兰,今日消息。Football legend David Beckham's beloved Porsche is being sold on eBay ahead of his expected return to England, it emerged today.

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海皮亚的表现令无数球迷为之喝彩,名宿阿兰汉森难掩他的赞美之词。Hyypia's performance quite rightly drew countless plaudits, with the legendary Alan Hansen summing up his contribution perfectly.

在那次杯赛中,这支来自远东的球队一路挺进四分之一决赛,所过之处,劲旅名宿意大利也要低头。In that tournament, the team from far East Asia made it all the way to the quarter-finals, beating the colossal Italy along the way.

俱乐部名宿肯尼·达格利什将会成为周日足总杯第三轮在老特拉福德对阵曼联的带队教练。Club legend Kenny Dalglish will assume control of team matters for Sunday's third round FA Cup tie against Manchester United at Old Trafford.