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一个难以捉摸的人。祝你好运!The elusive "one". Good luck!

去摘那明亮的、难以捉摸的星星。To catch that bright elusive star.

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这是一个难以捉摸的本质问题。It's a subtle but essential question.

客观的值得更难捉摸些。Objective worthiness is more elusive.

第二,这是一种难以捉摸的,来去无踪的病毒。Second, this is a subtle, sneaky virus.

我总觉得她像个谜一样,难以捉摸。I've always found her rather sphinx-like.

游荡者是狡猾又难以捉摸的对手。Rogues are cunning and elusive adversaries.

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女人心就是难捉摸。There are no trails through a woman's heart.

水下摄影是一项令人难以捉摸的工作。Underwater portraiture is a tricky endeavor.

所有获得一点点的分量和无从捉摸。Everything gains a bit of heft and tangibility.

其实,激情并不像我们想象的那样难以捉摸。It turns out passion is not as elusive as we think.

各种各样的、令人捉摸不透的人物。all sorts of characters that you didn't understand.

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如果书写过度,他们会变得过于难以捉摸。If over-written, they can become too subtle or cute.

没有时间狩猎这些令人烦扰、难于捉摸的仙女、精灵吗?No time to hunt for those annoyingly elusive Pixies?

然后情节变得复杂而捉摸不透了——至少,一些人就这那么解读的。Then, the plot thickened—at least, that’s how some read it.

平时难以捉摸的柯恩兄弟,此时已经揭开了些许面纱。The Coens, so normally elusive, have let the mask slip a bit.

翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.

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我也不讨厌阴沉沉的天空,冷漠,有着捉摸不透的神秘。I do not hate the sky overcast, cold, with unpredictable mystery.

要不然就是像一只难以捉摸令人厌烦的小鸡。Or it will be erratic and annoying right through, like a chicken.

在我眼里,你素雅安然的背后有着我难以捉摸的隐伤。In my eyes, you elegant Enron behind with my elusive hidden injury.