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乔布斯是一个有远见的人.350美元的股价将令投资者承压.Clearly Steve is a visionary.

它将令您的各种资料分门别类,清清爽爽。It will make you the breakdown-cool cool.

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几滴的吗啡将令他如痴如醉。A few drops of morphia will knock him out.

乾空气的入侵将令卢碧继续减弱。LUPIT will continue to weaken due to dry air intrusion.

吾奉军师将令,已取城了。I had orders from the director general to take this city.

吾等将令汝之种付偿代价,情非得已。From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done.

宇航员景海鹏说,中国将令世界瞩目。Astronaut Jing Haipeng said China is ready to impress the world.

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政客在一个将令印度摆脱核寒冬的协议上犹豫不决。Politicos are dithering over a deal that will bring India in from the nuclear cold.

科技的发展将令饭店业主们重新强调以服务为中心的业务。The technological progress impose rummery owners to reemphasize the service-centeredbusiness.

谷歌的离开将令中国网民失去了一个好的选择。A pullout by Google would strip Chinese Internet users of a good alternative, the executive said.

这些人清楚地意识到,长期失业将令他们更难以重新就业。These men and women are well aware that long-term unemployment will make them harder to re-employ.

曼谷市长Sukhumbhand称,该假期将令当局能更好地处理是次危机。Bangkok Mayor Sukhumbhand said the holiday will make the authorities to better deal with the crisis.

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而且各个市场的持续回暖将令公司有机会偿还一大笔美国纳税人的救助资金。And a continuing rebound in the markets will give AIG a shot at repaying a good chunk of taxpayer money.

他指出,未能升穿1,131水平将令市场陷于区间内,前提是不太容易出现向下突破的走势.He said failing to pierce 1,131 leaves the market stuck in a range, if not vulnerable to breaking lower.

体育锻炼将令你血流畅通,降低你患心血管疾病的风险。This one-two punch keeps your blood flowingsmoothly, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

朝韩两国任何军队或武器的削减,都将令全球军火业大吃一惊。Any troop reduction or decommissioning of weapons would come as a big surprise to the global arms industry.

对于这类搜索,为映射起一个有意义的名字将令搜索变得更简单。For this type of search, giving meaningful names to individual mappings makes searching for mappings easier.

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这将令谷歌的员工队伍壮大近一倍,并考验该公司与其他手机生产商之间建立不久的联盟。It will nearly double Google's work force and test the company's young alliance with other cellphone makers.

他说这将令苹果公司及其最近刚离世的董事会主席史蒂夫·乔布斯受到数以百计中国人的喜爱。Such an offer, he said, would endear Apple and its recently deceased chairman, Steve Jobs, to millions of Chinese.

他请与会者思考这一趋势是否将令酒店受益——这是酒店业需要考虑的问题。He asked attendees to ponder whether or not this would benefit hotels -- something for the industry to think about.