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“别砍下我的头颅!”"Don't cut off my head!

我总能打到敌人的头颅。I always shoot to the head.

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我的头颅被摆上银盘。For my head on a silver plate.

我满头鲜血,却头颅昂起。My head is bloody, but unbowed.

王冠比头颅经久。The crown has outlasted the head.

头颅高过第九重天庭。My head would be high as the ninth heaven.

当你把它从头颅中取出的时候,它就变成了灰色It's gray when you take it out of the head.

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加油——向前走去,把你的头颅高高抬起。Carry on- move forward, hold your head high.

我从他沈睡的头颅脱出手臂。I slip my arm out from under his sleep head.

因坟头湿气降临我头颅。Because of grave-damps falling round my head?

我喜欢它令我头颅一块震动的感觉。I liked the vibrations it sent into my skull.

在没打灯的卡车下,截断了头颅。Under a lightless lorry, cutting his head off.

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这是亨利四世丢掉头颅的关键时间。It was at this point that Henry IV lost his head.

他只觉得一阵隐痛在撕裂他的头颅。He only felt the dull pain exploding in his skull.

让他们摇着麻痹的头颅,喘着艰难的呼吸。Heave his thick breath, and shake his palsied head.

我以为,今天早晨,我们可以昂起头颅。I think we can hold our heads up high this morning!

头颅钝器伤的严重程度不一。Blunt injury to the skull may be of varying severity.

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头颅上也没有棍击的痕迹。There are no bludgeon marks on the surviving skeletons.

明亮,头颅高昂,他在一根绿色的树枝下停下来brighten, his head cocks, he pauses under a green bough

它也是头颅高高隆起,眼眶深陷,背脊缩着。It is also head high uplift, and in the eyes, carefully.