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这气味有益的!This smells good!

征兆是有益的。Signs are helpful.

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有益健康而且温暖。It is wholesome and warm.

水是有益健康的饮料。Water is a wholesome drink.

这是一个有益的增长。And this is profitable growth.

我也喜欢豆腐。它是有益健康的。I like tofu, too. It's healthy.

老火汤,对身体有益还是有害?Is Chinese soup bad for health?

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但是让子女帮一些小忙是有益无害的。But a little help would be nice.

运动有益于身体。Exercising is good for the body.

并非所有的知识是有益的。Not all knowledge is beneficial.

室外运动对你健康有益。Outdoor sports will do you good.

吃更多的菜蔬是有益的。It's good to eat more vegetables.

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喝绿豆汤有益健康。Mung soup is good for your health.

相互交换意见是有益的。An exchange of opinions is helpful.

从沙发上站起来,去做一些有益的事情。Get off the couch and do something!

苹果是一种有益健康的水果。An apple is a kind of healthy fruit.

鱼味沙拉有益心脏健康?Fishy Salad for Better Heart Health?

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努力工作对你会有益。It would advantage you to work hard.

他们住在一个非常有益絔档牡厍?。They live in a very salubrious area.

有益的发烧来自于感冒。Helpful fevers come in from the cold.