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他泄漏了朋友的秘密。He narked on his friend.

消息泄漏出来。Information trickled out.

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我们从没有泄漏任何一个消息源。We have never revealed a source.

这是一个用于防止内存泄漏的保护措施。This is a memory-leak guard step.

天机不可泄漏,我只能讲这么多了。This is as far as I can tell you.

无意中听到的一个词泄漏了秘密。Betrayed by a word haply overheard.

高灵敏度低泄漏选择。High-Low leak sensitivity selector.

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那个木桶开始破裂泄漏了。The barrel began to spring a leak.

杂质泵试运转时呈现的泄漏。Impurity pump leak when commissioning.

万一还会把我们的旧欢泄漏。And haply of our old acquaintance tell.

重庆煤焦油泄漏污染河流。Coal tar spill pollutes Chongqin river.

最后,天机给泄漏出来了。Finally the cat was let out of the bag.

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由于设备丢失或者被窃而导致的数据泄漏Data exposure due to device loss or theft

我用丙烷检查有没有真空泄漏。I used propane to check for vacuum leaks.

部分排污门泄漏严重。Part of blowdown valve has heavy leakage.

一只浸没在泄漏的石油中的死亡的海鸟。A bird covered in oil flails in the water.

“盲孔”下部衬垫能够防止泄漏。Blind-hole lower bushing prevents leakage.

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如果盲板存在泄漏则重新固定盲板。If blind boards leaking, then re-fix them.

容器内小的漏损和泄漏。Small spills and leaks inside containment.

石油泄漏对任何彻底清洁系统都是不小的挑战。Spills present challenges for any cleanup.