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黄山确实让人难以忘怀!Yellow Mountain is truly awesome!

乐队表演的纯熟定会令你难以忘怀。The band will make you unforgettable.

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港翛对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。First impression of you is most lasting.

这种内疚持续了很久,那场比赛过后,三十多年来依旧难以忘怀。How long ago was the game? Thirty-odd years.

大多数的女人对她们的初恋难以忘怀。Most women have hard time forgetting their first love.

这是一幅令人难以忘怀的景象,过去分明就在眼前。It was a haunting vision, the past compellingly present.

在我所有的记忆中,唯一使我难以忘怀的便是家乡的仲夏夜。In my all memory, what I can not forget is midsummer night.

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乐队表演的多样性及纯熟定会令你难以忘怀。The diversity and skilled band will make you unforgettable.

毫无疑问我第一年给牲畜灌药的经历让人难以忘怀。My first year of drenching was certainly one to be remembered.

那次火车旅行如此激动人心以致我将永远难以忘怀。It was so breathtaking that I will never forget that train ride.

她与吉恩.凯利那性感的舞姿令人永远难以忘怀。Her sexy dance with Gene Kelly in this musical is hard to forget.

不过更令我难以忘怀的是期末论文。But even more difficult to forget was the finial examination paper.

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诸如此类,每幅图像都尽可能的荒诞不经,但又令人难以忘怀。And so on. Each image should be as bizarre and memorable as possible.

如果提前定个计划,你就可以度过一个难以忘怀的周末。Planning ahead can let you enjoy weekends that you remember all year.

它们在令人难以忘怀的镜头中回响,给予影片以鲜活的生命。They resound through the haunting scenes and give life to the scenery.

这是动物王国中最为复杂,最令人难以忘怀的音乐。It's one of the most haunting and complex sounds in the animal kingdom.

参观战争失踪人员遗址对我们所有人来说,是一次难以忘怀的经历。The trip to the MIA site was an experience none of us would ever forget.

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并且每当我在梦里看见你时,我看见了你那张令我难以忘怀的脸。And everytime I see you in my dreams, I see your face you're haunting me.

一个甜美的吻会让人难以忘怀,那么男人最喜欢什么接吻方式呢?But what kinds of kisses do men like best? Do they want a sloppy wet one?

但是那些令人难以忘怀的音律和曲调却没有政府那些音盲的政府。But its haunting chords and rhythms do not conquer tone-deaf bureaucracies.