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邮件都是简略和客气的。The emails are brief and polite.

他简略写出了小说的情节。He roughcast the plot of the novel.

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这是个简略句还是一个复合句?Is it a plain or an ingredient sentence?

你应该把这个报告做的更简略。You should make this repot more summary.

该书关于这一问题写得太简略。The book treats the problem too sketchily.

你看贴切能不能给我一个简略的数字。Can you just give me a hobbys event figure?

简略的摘要并不意味着就要没吸引力。This curt sumMary is not meant to be ungracious.

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我要简略回顾一下去年发生的大事。I will pass briefly over the events of last year.

简略来说,五蕴的执著是苦。In short, the five clinging-aggregates are suffering.

并简略地阐明梁板结构的布置意图。And disposal view in beam-plate structure is clarified.

莪只想要拥有简略恴幸福。Zedoary only want to have a simple stainless happiness.

现在我对工程史做一个的简略,还有一点偏心的介绍So here is a brief and very biased history of engineering.

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填写一份简略的档案,关注一些人然后就可以开始了,是吧?Fill out a brief profile, follow some people and go, right?

霍布豪斯已经简略地介绍了福利国家这一概念。Hobhouse had already adumbrated the idea of a welfare state.

她能用简略配料烹调出厚味的饭菜。She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients.

起首我将简略说明我们商品的特征。First of all, I will outline the appropriates of our product.

让我们非常简略地,回顾一下你学到的东西。Let's very briefly go through stuff that you've learned before.

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对单倍体的用途和来源作了简略的概括。Application and source of plant haploids were concisely introduced.

以上是巴赞对蒙太奇理论批评的简略介绍。These are the montage Bazin on Criticism of the brief introduction.

我没办法很简略的回答你,而且这个问题也没有一个正确答案。So I can't give you a quick answer because there is no right answer.