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医生说他必须避免做任何要用劲的事。The doctor says he must avoid all exertion.

这扇窗怎么用劲也打不开。The window resisted all efforts to open it.

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她用劲把盖子盖紧,以便保持里面的东西干燥。She snapped the lid on to keep the contents dry.

用劲我所有,只为与你长厢厮守!Push all my only for the long hand Sishou with you!

老银行家一个箭步跳到把手旁,用劲拉了几下。The old banker sprang to the handle and tugged at it for a moment.

用劲击打或经常击打显示不出力量来,只有击打准确才能显示出力量来。Power is not revealed by striking hard or ofter, but by striking true.

“没事,”那男孩一边飞快地说着,一边小腿用劲往地上一蹬,荡起了秋千。"Fine, " he said quickly, kicking his legs out and beginning his swing.

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我用劲身体所有的力气向你奔跑,为何总是追寻不到你的身影。Push all my physical strength to you run, why not always trace your shadow.

如果她说小鸟是活的,我就马上用劲一捏,让她看到那只死鸟。If she says the bird is alive, I’ll quickly crush it and show her the dead bird.

如果她说小鸟是活的,我就马上用劲一捏,让她看到那只死鸟。If she says the bird is alive, I'll quickly crush it and show her the dead bird.

他断言,真心微笑的诀窍就是用劲收缩脸颊两侧的肌肉。He assures me that the knack is to flex the muscles on the side of your cheeks, hard.

该层的材料常数用劲度常数来描述,其层厚为零。This layer has material const ants which govern the stiffness across it and has zero thickness.

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在接近高速收费亭时,我把车用劲向右倾,这样挡路杆不会碰到我的反光镜。At the toll booths, I lean my bike hard to the right so the end of the bar doesn't hit my mirror.

伴随着奇怪音乐的滑稽的视频里,可以看到小狗在神奇又傻傻地用劲蹬车。Bizarre video footage set to creepy music shows the miraculous mutt riding the vehicle with its legs.

但是,在别人以为她用劲干活的时候,她却经常把两手抱在脑后,在那儿想心思。But she would often clasp her hands behind her head and muse when she was supposed to be working hard.

他用劲整整割了一夜,而富农却躺在那些树下睡了个好觉。He was hard at it all night long, while the rich farmer lay down under the trees and had a good sleep.

Kouadio先生用劲砸开邻居的门和窗,但没有成功。Mr. Kouadio tried to help his neighbours by smashing the metal doors and windows, but without success.

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我在盆里加了点洗衣粉,然后再用劲地把衣服揉一揉搓一搓。I added a point in the bowls of water, detergent, and then exert oneself in the clothes rub a rub a rub.

半路上,他遇到一位白发苍苍的老婆婆,坐在小河边,用劲磨一根碗口粗细的铁棒。Half on the road, he met a gray-haired old lady sitting in a small river, exert herself grinding a thick iron bar.

于是,他把驴子的腿都绑了起来,用劲全身的力气把驴子背在背上,开始朝家里走去。He tied the donkey's feet together and lifted it on his back with all his strength. Then he moved on towards his home.