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动物细胞?Animal cell?

我们是动物。We are animals.

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雄性动物的奶头。Take male nipples.

熊是动物。The bear is animal.

什么是有袋动物?What are marsupials?

鸟是卵生动物。Birds come from eggs.

人是能辨是非的动物。Man is a moral being.

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她是一只亲切的动物.She is a kind animal.

熊属半冬眠动物。Some bears hibernate.

白灵熊是一种害羞的动物。Spirit bears are shy.

喔。我喜欢动物。Well. I like animals.

所有动物一律平等。All animals are equal.

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鹿是一种易受惊的动物。A deer is a shy animal.

我爱小动物!I love my little pets !

像动物般的哀嚎,恸哭。Keening like an animal.

动物解剖学。The anatomy of animals.

我们爱动物-为那物爱你么?Unit 4 we love animals.

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黑猩猩是杂食动物。Chimps are omnivorous10.

雪貂是圈养动物吗?Are ferrets cage animals?

他是一种算计的动物。He is an indirect animal.