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哎呀,不愧是老搭档啊。Oho, you are a true partner.

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她真不愧是只黑马。She was indeed the dark horse.

啊!这不愧是我的好老师!Ah! This is indeed my good teacher!

中国不愧是茶叶的发源地。China is truly the hometown of tea.

他可不愧是我儿子,散步是很有规律的。He is very regular in his walks, is my son.

他们不愧是当今“最可爱的人”。They are worthily now the most lovable person.

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气势如虹,不愧是朕的侄儿。Such majestic demeanor as befits a nephew of mine.

她真不愧是一位贞节烈女呀!Only a great woman will die to defend her chastity.

您不愧是当今最英明的人主。You live up to the title of most brilliant emperor.

伊犁真不愧是天马的故乡。Ili does deserve to be called the name of heavenly horses.

赖金土不愧是福建商人的骄傲。Depends on the soil is indeed proud of the businessmen in Fujian.

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九寨沟的风光不愧是蜀中又一幅新的山水画卷。Jiuzhaigou's scenery is worthy of Shu and landscape a new volume.

韶山灌区的建设不愧是一座历史的丰碑。Shaoshan Irrigation Area building is a worthy monument of history.

就容积来说,波音公司的工厂不愧是全世界最大的建筑。The Boeing factory is the largest building in the world by volume.

第七个小矮人不愧是个小矮人,长得实在是太中国了。The seventh dwarf was worthy of a dwarf, is too much longer China.

康帝不愧是龙的传人!他在抢龙上真的很有一手。Descendants of the dragon CONDI! he's a really great at steal Baron.

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她不愧是搞财务的,家庭分类账记得清楚详细。She is a real accountant who even keeps a detailed household ledger.

你们不愧是我们会给你新做智能家居的缘故。You deserve it so we will give you your new smart home as a present.

连这些都知道,真不愧是班级小博士!You even know these , you're really called a little doctor in our class.