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敬畏神只原谅对你的谗言。Fear God only and forgive your false accusers.

为何那耳朵不能避听谗言?Why cannot the Ear be closed to its own destruction?

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阿舆奉承的人是靠听信谗言的人活命的。Every flatterer lives at the expense of those who listen to him.

我的主,请助我向强者坦言,也助我不以讨弱者的欢心向他们谗言。God, help me to tell the truth to the strong and to avoid telling lies to get the weak's applause.

大卫对扫罗说,你为何听信人的谗言,说大卫想要害你呢。And David said to Saul, Wherefore hearest thou men's words, saying, Behold, David seeketh thy hurt?

但过了一阵子,他听了很多关于庞聪谗言后,他开始怀疑他了。But after a while, when he had heard enough rumors about the minister, he began to suspect Pang Cong.

他错信小人谗言。总是沉溺于美酒和孩子般的意念。He listens to the wrong people. Half the time his little brain is frozen by alcohol or childish ideology.

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虽然是亲戚的企业,但我不想搞特殊而招引来谗言。Although the relatives of the business, but I do not want to engage in special and strokes led to calumny.

当李白的美妙诗篇在朝廷大得赏誉,一位心怀妒忌的大臣进谗言说诗人的生活并不光彩。When the delicious verses of Li Po were Praised in the Court of Heaven an envious mandarin complained of the poets scandalous life.

因为我们住在南方的一个小镇,我们的女儿们感受到许多对她们父亲和教会的谗言带来的伤害。Since we live in a small southern town, our daughters have felt very personally the effects of slander against their father and our church.

新和合本又劝老年妇人,举止行动要恭敬,不说谗言,不给酒作奴仆,用善道教训人。NIV Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.

如果陛下认为臣妾未曾辱没这种荣誉,敢请陛下勿因一时好恶,听信谗言,断绝陛下对臣妾的恩宠。If then you found me worthy of such Honour, Good your Grace let not any light Fancy, or bad Counsel of mine enemies, withdraw your princely Favour from me.

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司马迁亲眼目睹了李广三代蒙冤的现实,而自己也因李陵事件遭刑,对谗言的破坏力有着切身的体味。Sima Qian witnessed with own eyes the reality that the Li Guang's three generations were punished unjustly, for which he himself was also involved and punished.

夏娃不该轻信谗言,更不该连累夫君,因此上帝罚她要饱受生育之苦,一辈子要受男人的奴役。Eve should not be gullible calumny, but should not hurt the husband, so she was God's punishment to endure the pain of childbirth, men are subject to a lifetime of slavery.

糊涂的怀王听信谗言,疏远屈原,把他放逐到汉北,结果楚怀王被秦国骗去当了三年阶下囚,死在异国。Listen to calumny huai confused, alienated Qu Yuan, he was exiled to the north of Han, the result was the grandson of a prisoner for three years when Qin cheated, died in a foreign country.

世人往往善于听信谗言,因为谗言是美丽的,而忘了这句古话,待到自己失败时,一切如过眼云烟,烟消云散。The world tend to be good to listen to calumny, because defamation is beautiful, while forgetting This ancient saying, until the time of their failure, all as superficial, and vanished into thin air.