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他是个胆小鬼。He is a chicken.

他们的是胆小鬼!They are cowards!

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你是个胆小鬼。You are a chicken.

我现在快要变成胆小鬼了吧?Am I becoming a coward?

爸爸是个没骨头的胆小鬼。Father's a cowardly custard.

那你也是个没骨头的胆小鬼。So are you a cowardly custard.

不要像胆小鬼一样。Come on, don't be a fraidy cat.

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百兽之王不应该是一个胆小鬼,”稻草人说。You are nothing but a big coward.

加里真是个胆小鬼。Gary sure is a chicken-livered guy.

我就是个胆小鬼。I just admited I like you sometimes.

胆小鬼,不想和我一起死吗?Don't you want to die with me, coward?

尽管他大吹大擂,但他还是个胆小鬼。With all his boasting, he is a coward.

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你还不知道我是个老胆小鬼。You do not know that I am an old coward.

布朗先生喊到,“你是个胆小鬼。”“You are a coward,” Mr. Brown cried out.

我告诉你们,是懦夫,是胆小鬼!I'll tell you what kind-a coward, a wuss.

那个胆小鬼告发了和他一起干活的工人。That coward ratted on his fellow-workers.

你可以很出色,但是你是个胆小鬼。You could be brillant, but you're coward.

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你这懦怯的胆小鬼!别这么容易就放弃。You cowardly wimp! Don't give up so easily.

向前来,胆小鬼,来为你的罪行辩护!Come forth, coward, and answer for yur crimes!

在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。He was the most timorous person in that event.