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锡矿砂及其精矿。Tin ores and concentrates.

铅矿砂及其精矿。Lead ores and concentrates.

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锌矿砂及其精矿。Zinc ores and concentrates.

其他矿砂及其精矿。Other ores and concentrates.

钴矿砂及其精矿。Cobalt ores and concentrates.

铜矿砂及其精矿。Copper ores and concentrates.

镍矿砂及其精矿。Nickel ores and concentrates.

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铬矿砂及其精矿。Chromium ores and concentrates.

钛矿砂及其精矿。Titanium ores and concentrates.

铝矿砂及其精矿。Aluminium ores and concentrates.

钼矿砂及其精矿。Molybdenum ores and concentrates.

贵金属矿砂及其精矿。Precious metal ores and concentrates.

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铀或钍矿砂及其精矿。Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates.

这种精矿在球团之前必须进行研磨。This concentrate has to be ground before pelletizing.

铁矿砂及其精矿,包括焙烧黄铁矿。Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites.

本实用新型涉及一种锌精矿沸腾焙烧炉。The utility model relates to a zinc concentrate fluidized roaster.

铅是金精矿中常见的有色金属元素。The lead is a common non-ferrous metal element in the gold concentrate.

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介绍了如何从斜锆石精矿制备高纯二氧化锆。The paper introduced the way to prepare high-pure zirconia from zirkite.

以武钢大冶铁矿硫精矿为研究对象,对其进行了氰化法提金试验研究。A test was conducted for cyaniding WISCO Daye Iron Mine's sulphur concentrate.

本文阐述了包头磁选铁精矿的反浮选脱氟工艺。This paper describes the technique for removing fluorine by reverse flotation.