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中央电视台虽然是由国家经营的,但却不仅仅是一个宣传机构。CCTV, though state-run, is not just a propaganda outfit.

他们说,就连中央电视台方面也不太肯定能按这一设计盖出大楼来。Even their client wasn't sure it could be built, they say.

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那是一九八四年中央电视台筹拍电视连续剧。It is Billie Piper in 1984 China Central Television TV series.

别忘了看电视,例如中央电视台第九套节目,还有英文电影。And don't forget to watch TV, for example, CCTV9, and films in English.

中央电视台称截止到上星期五,190名伤者中的一名不治身亡,死难人数已达到40人。The death toll rose to 40 Friday after one of the 190 injured died, state broadcaster CCTV said.

中国的国家电视台中央电视台现场直播了翟志刚漂浮在轨道舱外的画面。State broadcaster CCTV showed live images of Zhigang as he floated out of the orbiter module's hatch.

如中央电视台所说,达芬奇家具以价格昂贵著称,宣称其产品由意大利生产、。DaVinci Furniture Ltd, famous for its luxury furniture, claims all of its products were manufactured and.

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随着中央电视台体育频道的日益壮大,地方体育频道面临生存空间日益狭小的窘境。As CCTV-5 become stronger and stronger, the room for the local sports channels to live is more and more narrow.

他们也可能是为了保护中国政府官方喉舌、国有电视台中央电视台。They may also be moving to protect national broadcaster China Central Television, Beijing's official mouthpiece.

中央电视台新主楼在万众瞩目中闪亮登场了。CCTV new main building comes on stage with glittering appearance in attracting the attention of millions of people.

中央电视台能够给我们螳螂拳的选手这个机会,这也是我们这些选手这么多年的一个心愿。CCTV can give us Northern Praying Mantis players this opportunity, this is our These players all these years of a wish.

中央电视台说,将利用移动应用、可扫描代码等网络工具吸引更多人浏览其数字内容。It said it would use online tools such as mobile apps and scannable codes to bring more viewers to its digital content.

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中国的国家电视台中央电视台说这名在爆炸中受伤的34岁男子名叫冀中星,山东菏泽人。China's state broadcaster CCTV said the man injured in the blast was 34-year-old Ji Zhongxing from Heze in Shandong Province.

在他中央电视台总部的设计里,库哈斯先生开始在外部上抹去任何人们活动的痕迹。In his design for the CCTV headquarters, Mr. Koolhaas begins by obliterating any trace of the human scale from the exteriors.

建筑物附近的标志性中央电视台大楼的核心的复杂,这将家中的国营电视台。The building is near to the iconic CCTV Tower, the centerpiece for the complex, which will house Chinas state-run broadcaster.

成为中央电视台浴火重生的新标志,和扫除所有崇洋媚外的中国文化政治精英的历史性素材。As CCTV new symbol of ashes, and eliminate all blindfoldedly intend Chinese cultural and political elite of historic materials.

今年1月12日,他们中的一群人再次发出呼吁,依旧以堂吉诃德的方式,要求抵制中央电视台。On January 12th a group of them were at it again, no less quixotically, with a demand for a boycott of national state-owned television.

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尽管中央电视台称黄西的成功证明“幽默无国界”,但节目一直到结束时也没有播放黄西的任何笑话。While CCTV declared that Mr. Wong's success proves 'humor has no boundaries,' it concluded the program without showing any of his jokes.

中央电视台周一报道说,广东省会广州市的自行车租赁生意十分萧条。Bicycle rental stands in Guangdong`s provincial capital Guangzhou had absolutely no business, China Central Television reported on Monday.

中央电视台已经为一次非法礼花燃放事件道歉,这次燃放导致央视新大楼北配楼一座未完工的豪华酒店发生火灾。CCTV has apologized for an unlicensed fireworks display that caused a fire in an unfinished luxury hotel next to the network's new headquarters.