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她用钱开始干打字的营生。She used the money to start a typewriting business.

她用这些钱开始干打字的营生。She used the money to start a typewriting business.

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街头营生之一—为人当街缝补裙子。A fashionable lady sews her skirt on a street corner.

所以他选择做手艺活支撑家庭营生。So he chose to work as a craftsman to support his family.

他做起了推销防窃报警器的营生,还在一家酒吧里谋了个差事。He got a job selling burglar alarms and also worked at a pub.

巴姨,我实在是不愿说,可贩毒是种卑鄙的营生。Bai, really I shouldn’t say, but selling drugs is a nasty business.

Marinus那时开始出售这些美味的牛油曲奇饼干作为营生。Marinus began selling these wonderful butter cookies to make a living.

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我不想靠明星脸营生,我向人介绍时称自己和卡梅伦长得相似,同时也说自己是葬礼师。I introduce myself as a David Cameron look-alike and funeral director".

那毕竟是条船,我想他们还可以重新干他们的海盗营生。It's always a ship, and they can get to buccaneering again, I suppose. '

他们依靠警方和媒体压力来改革此类营生,他说。They rely on police and media pressure to reform such businesses, he added.

当人们问我我做何营生,我真不知道说什么。When people ask me what I do for a living, I don’t really know what to say.

这些批评家,如果要靠此营生,他们根本做不出一顿好的饭菜。These critics, they couldn’t cook a great meal if their life depended on it.

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而实际上,格鲁特及其同僚原来做的是偷猎者的营生。And actually, what Gelute and its colleague do so is the livelihood of poacher.

当时我认为,既能当作家又能营生的最好办法就是到报社工作。I thought the best way to be that and still earn a living was to get on a newspaper.

缪尔达尔描述了当地村民的营生、他们如何生活以及村民自身的情况。Myrdal describes what the villagers do, how they live, and the villagers themselves.

你一边宣传和平,一边又干着煽动纷争的营生。While you preach peace, you make it the business of your life to stir up dissension.

我们很善于如何营生,但是当生活真正来临摆在我们面前的时候,我们却往往深陷其中苦苦挣扎。We’re very good at preparing to live, but when it comes to actually living, we tend to struggle.

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若赌风日衰,在赌场和赛马场营生的人就只好另谋职业。A decline in gambling would force croupiers and racing touts to seek more productive occupations.

他现在在加洲拥有两家餐厅,其中一家是他作画外的主要营生。He now owns two California restaurants, one of which he manages as a sideline to drawing Dilbert.

远在古典宫廷音乐的年代,音乐家的营生就是靠现场演奏。As far back as the era of classical aulic music, musicians relied on live performance for a living.