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它会违约。It defaults.

如何厘定违约日期?。How to determine the default date?

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它将使我们能避免违约。It will allow us to avoid default.

欧洲是否还有其他违约者?Could a defaulter remain in the euro?

违约责任。the liability for breach of contract.

那如何来量化“系统性”违约呢?So how would you quantify “systemic” default?

当然,违约还有另外一个成本。There are other costs associated with default.

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尽管债务违约浪潮汹涌,发债量仍旧激增。Debt issuance booms despite a wave of defaults.

届时唯一的选择将是灾难性的违约。The only option would be a catastrophic default.

但希腊违约之后,将很难找到新的金主。But finding new lenders after default is not easy.

我们的看法是,在这之前他们还是需要违约.Our view is they also need to default before that.

买房者应该如何对付卖房者违约行为?。How to deal with real people who should buy breach?

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卡夫方面宣称这些所谓的违约时无依据的。Kraft says all these alleged breaches are baseless.

巴西的贷款违约率近来有所上升。Lately, loan-default rates have ticked up in Brazil.

甲方对合同的前述变更,不属于违约。The foresaid modification is not a breach of contract.

一些针对主权信用违约掉期的市场改革是必要的。Some reform of the market for sovereign CDSs is needed.

不过,我并不认为这些违约都是不可避免的。But I do not believe their default is at all inevitable.

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希腊是首先将出现主权债务违约的国家。Greece is the first of other sovereign defaults to come.

欧元区成员国违约仍然是很难想象的一件事。It is still hard to imagine a euro-zone member defaulting.

对于政府债券,不必担心会有违约风险The government bond, you don't have to worry about default.