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柏林选择先发制人,保护国家安全。Berlin opted to strike preemptively to preserve its security.

我曾经提议过发起先发制人的飞鱼飞弹攻击他的空军。I've recommended a preemptive Exocet Missile attack against his airforce.

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温杜试图逮捕帕尔帕廷,不料后者飞身而起,先发制人。Mace attempted to arrest the Chancellor, but Palpatine sprang into action.

当你确信你所占的先机,先发制人未尝不可。Preemptive strikes are okay when you know for sure what you're preempting.

然而先发制人袭击伊朗领土则是走进灾难。But a preemptive strike on Iranian soil would border on catastrophic. Consider

政府先发制人,制止了国有铜矿公司可能发生的一次罢工。The government preempted a threatened strike at the state-owned copper company.

过度先发制人使我们奔波于想象的未来和现实的当下。Being overly preemptive makes us live in an imaginary future vs. in the present.

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先发制人地攻击活僵尸们,无疑,本身就是一场反对邪恶的战争。A pre-emptive strike against zombies would, surely, be a war against evil itself.

在中国不首先发起攻击的情况下,日本绝不会先发制人袭击中国。If China didn't give an attack first, Japan would not attack China Pre-emptively.

NASA将企图霸占媒体的舞台,先发制人地解释发生了什么。NASA will attempt to grab the media stage, preemptively explaining what occurred.

下面三个先发制人的网络攻击场景可能防止流血冲突。Here are three scenarios in which preemptive cyberattacks could prevent bloodshed.

但是,普金聪明地抛出这先发制人的一招搅得八国组织的其它领导人措手不及。But his move was a clever preemptive strike that threw other G8 leaders off balance.

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为了安抚大众的惊慌情绪,抵抗恐慌囤积,日本央行先发制人拨出大量现金流到金融体系。It poured cash into the banking system in a pre-emptive strike against panic hoarding.

试想一下一个核大国先发制人会出现什么情况。Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another.

印度外包商先发制人,满世界开设办事处增加竞争力。Indian outsourcing firms are preemptively opening offices all over the world to compete.

反对伊拉克战争的奥巴马会在任何情况下都接受先发制人的理念吗?Does Mr Obama, who opposed that war, accept the idea of pre-emption in any circumstances?

先发制人,搜索引擎和连接者都会奖赏你。Take advantage of being a first mover. The search engines, and linkers , will reward you.

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一个先发制人的财政刺激政策可能阻止这一切,并维持政府的税基。A pre-emptive fiscal stimulus may help prevent that—and shore up the government’s tax base.

许多评论员认为,他指的是要对伊拉克那样未来的敌人进行先发制人的打击。Many commentators thought he was talking about pre-emptively striking future foes like Iraq.

就在10月14号,英国首相戈登布朗先发制人,率先在华盛顿引发了一场辩论。On October 14th Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, preempted the debate in Washington.