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它是一个非常热闹的景区。.It's a massive hotspot.

巴黎市一座热闹的城市。Parisis a very busy town.

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当然可以,人多热闹嘛。Of course, The more the merrier.

只有骂街才能引来热闹。Only Brew can lead to excitement.

中山路是一条热闹的街道。Zhong Shan Road is a busy street.

热闹的晚会和寂寞的焰火。Busy parties and lonely skyrockets.

晚餐是在库塔最热闹的JI。Dinner is in coulthard noisiest JI.

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格里姆斯比是一个热闹的渔镇。Grimsby is a bustling fishing town.

集市更热闹了,that the market gets more interesting,

这家商店紧靠着两条热闹的街道。The shop has frontage on 2 busy streets.

四方街是一个热闹的集市。Sifang Street is a very busy marketplace.

“但是,没有,我所有,”这本书是热闹。But no, I was all, This book is hilarious.

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锣鼓敲打得很热闹。Drums and gongs were beating boisterously.

庙会上人们比肩继踵,真是热闹啊。The Temple Fair is busy and crowded today.

这商店朝着两条热闹的街道。The shop has frontages on two busy streets.

卡车在一条热闹的大街上疾驶而过。The truck is ripping through a busy street.

在奥运会召开期间北京将非常热闹。Beijing will be so busy during the Olympics.

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这个城市有个热闹的华人区。He lives in the student quarter of the city.

这里是旧金山的中心,最热闹的地方。It's definitely like a hot spot in the city.

今晚的凯普来特是那么的热闹!The Cumulate of tonight is so jollification!