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大师风采,先睹为快!Get the first glimpse of our Master.

本文总结了今年春晚的几大亮点,让我们先睹为快!Let's take a peek at this year's highlights.

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这是经多年积淀才完成的东西,先睹为快!This is stuff for several years done the road. Sneak peak!

你们不知道,他们是想先睹为快。You don't understand. They want to become the first to see it.

为了给诸君先睹为快,以下是该书的目录。The following is the chapters content of the book for your preview.

你可以通过其演示片“更深的喉”先睹为快。You can see what it’s like behind the scenes on Showtime’s "Deeper Throat".

陈冠希近日上载了一段约21秒的新歌MV片段,让大家先睹为快。Edison carried 1 up part about 21 second new song MV recently, let everyone first the see is quick.

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这批资料被维基解密获得,一些媒体先睹为快。The material was obtained by WikiLeaks and made available to a number of news organizations in advance.

最近我们开始在主页发布某些即将到来的更新内容,让玩家先睹为快。Recently, on our website we began posting some of these upcoming updates to give players a glimpse of what is to come.

该视频将在周五发布到TED网站上,读写网读者可以先睹为快。The video of his talk will be posted on the TED website early Friday morning, but ReadWriteWeb readers can check it out now.

我们宣布,今晚在与CTIA无线会议,所以我们想给你一个先睹为快在这里的博客。We announced it tonight in conjunction with the CTIA Wireless conference, so we want to give you a sneak peek at it here on the blog.

若想要先睹为快,可以看看我们总结的这些即将被搬上大银幕,最备受期待的几部。In case you want to get a head start on reading the books first, we've rounded up the book-to-screen stories we're most looking forward to next year.

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因为它,我们才有机会在这些产品面世之前先睹为快,也给读者们一个充分的遐想空间。Let me start by saying a big 'Thank You' to Crye for the opportunity to preview these before they come out, and to give the reader a good idea of what to expect.

新的靴室餐厅将在下周于安菲尔德正式开门纳客,那新餐厅是什么样的呢?一起来先睹为快吧!The grand opening of the Boot Room Sports Cafe takes place at Anfield next week, so we thought we'd bring you these exclusive shots of how things are shaping up.

为了让“哈迷”们先睹为快,华纳兄弟娱乐公司近日公布了哈利·波特与女友的初吻剧照。And to give fans a feel of what Harrys first kiss is like, Studio Warner Brothers has released a still from the movie showing the boy wizard locking lips with his first girlfriend.

为了让“哈迷”们先睹为快,华纳兄弟娱乐公司近日公布了哈利·波特与女友的初吻剧照。And to give fans a feel of what Harry's first kiss is like, Studio Warner Brothers has released a still from the movie showing the boy wizard locking lips with his first girlfriend.

在经历了2008年的天然气价格高企和美国政府新制定了更严格的尾气排放条例后,各大汽车制造商正在转变其开发重点,在接下来几个月里,将陆续有新车型亮相各大厂商的零售展厅,让我们先睹为快。Many of the new models set to hit showrooms in the coming months reflect America's changing priorities after a spike in gas prices in 2008 and tough new emissions rules enacted by the U.S. government.