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对一个有坚毅心的比丘。A bhikkhu with a resolute mind.

坚毅望着前路,跌倒也不应放弃。Never give up even after falling.

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一副宽阔,标准,坚毅的女人面孔。A broad-planed strong, womanly face.

炎黄坚毅的热血,如炽烈的圣火。Chinese blood of fortitude, like the burning holy fire.

想要打击我的人只会让我更坚毅刚烈。The people thusing knock me down only make me stronger.

想要打击我的人只会让我更坚毅刚烈。The people thworries knock me down only make me stronger.

他那满是煤灰的脸上,棱角分明的皮肤围绕着坚毅的双眼。Rigid edges of skin surround gritty eyes of face caked with coal.

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在皇马进球后,坚毅的巴斯克人并没有选择放弃。The Basques couldn't afford giving up and, after the Whites' goal.

所以我们必须培养坚毅的人性本质来维护谦厚和自然的生命。So we must have a strong human element to keep modesty and natural life.

如果他们能够好好琢磨我的坚毅,那么肯定能够领先于许多人。If they could learn these few lessons, they’d be far ahead of most people.

她失去了双臂,但她却有着一颗充满了热情与坚毅的心。She has no arms, but she still has a mind filled with passion and purpose.

你也许反应有点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.

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看老树下,那雕像,紧蹙双眉坚毅天庭俊朗。Under that tree, the statue, twisting his fortitude handsome face, a wriggler.

坚毅阵天,重兵器,通信装笨嗲尾要方针。Fortified positions, heavy weapons, communication facilities are the key targets.

坚毅踏实,埋头苦干,为社会作出点滴贡献。Firm and steadly, guietly works hard, makes the drip contribution for the society.

憔悴、干瘦、坚毅的他回到了不断缩小的新共和国领土。He returned to the dwindling New Republic territories, haggard, thin and hardened.

现在回想起来,我确实比以前坚毅了许多,但我不会松懈下来的。In retrospect, I do a lot of determination than before, but I will not relax down.

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在他异常和蔼可亲的表情之下,有着尖刻和钢铁般的坚毅-乔治·威尔。Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel- George Will.

我的祖母,特立独行,犹如一盏指向明灯般,在美利坚的历史狂潮中闪耀着坚毅的微光。my grandmother, in her own way, shines like a beacon down the stormy American past.

蓝砂石象征勇敢与坚毅的蓝沙石,有助求财、聚财,硬度5-6。Blue sandstone symbol with resolute blue sandstone brave, seek help, mo, hardness is 5-6.