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他们可是超级顺风耳哦!They are super ears.

伊恩是那个矮矮的、有著一对顺风耳的男孩。Ian is the short boy whose ears stick out.

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互联网最新动态新闻,站长的千里眼和顺风耳。Latest internet news, webmaster of the eyes and ears.

他们都是上级首长的“千里眼,顺风耳”。They are "the eyes and ears" of the higher commanders.

我总是说你有一双顺风耳。I've always said you have ears which reach around corners.

技术侦察兵必须成为高级首长的千里眼顺风耳。The monitors must be forward ears and eyes to the top leaders.

“真难以置信,”他朋友说,“你一定有一对顺风耳!”"That's incredible, " said his friend. "You must have superhuman ears! "

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别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道这么全。真是个顺风耳啊!You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed.

不高兴时,他就不读,捧着书本坐在那里装样子,这可都逃不过我的千里眼和顺风耳。Happy, he will not read books, and hold a pretence of, this can be used to sit there all escape my amiable breeze ear.

此幅画,是千里眼和顺风耳出南天门后,按住云头,仔细观听的场面。This scene shows how Thousand-mile Eye and Wind-accompanying Ear observe and listen carefully outside the Southern Gate.

玉皇大帝立即命千里眼,顺风耳天南天门观看。二将奉玉皇旨意出南天门。He hurriedly sent two subjects, Thousand-mile Eye and Wind accompanying Ear outside the Southern Gate to listen and observe.

而“顺风耳”旁边手牵白马的则是马将军,人们又称他为“飞天信使”,他是专为妈祖传递最新消息的。Near the Wind-accompanying Ear is Horse Admiral who takes a white horse. People also call him "flying messenger", because he is responsible for passing new message for Mazu.

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而现在这个国家如此神秘,以至于顺风耳千里眼的美国情报机构都不知道朝鲜国界那里到底发生了什么,包括他们的足球队,一无所知。Today the country is so secretive that virtually nobody, including U.S. intelligence agencies, really knows what goes on inside its borders. That includes how its soccer team will do.