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按照医嘱服用抗生素。Take antibiotics exactly as prescribed.

为确保病人明白她的医嘱,玛雅医生做了什么?Mayer do to insure her patients understand her instructions?

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以上药物的剂量及用法,须遵医嘱。Above drug dose and usage, shall be as directed by a physician.

即使按医嘱进行化疗,预后也很渺茫。Even with the recommended chemotherapy, the prognosis was bleak.

之后,我的医生诱惑性地给了我一份医嘱清单。Afterward, my doctor seductively gives me a list of things to do.

他们更愿意佩带安全带和遵守医嘱。They are more likely to wear seatbelts and follow doctors' orders.

卧床最好不要超过一到两天,医嘱除外。Don't stay in bed longer than a day or two unless your docter advises it.

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我的病用不着手术治疗,而是只需要遵从医嘱。I did not need an operation. Instead, I did just what the doctor ordered.

涂于长痘痘的地方,每天一至两次。或者遵医嘱。Apply to affected areas once or twice daily or as directed by your doctor.

如标签剂量不同于医嘱剂量,应算出正确剂量。If label dose differs from ordered dose, calculate correct amount to give.

为确保病人明白她的医嘱,玛雅医生做了什么?What does Doc. Mayer do to insure her patients understand her instructions?

你得知道自我消遣和不遵医嘱自行用药的区别所在。You need to know the difference between enjoying yourself and self-medicating.

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本文介绍了医生工作站中“套餐医嘱”的维护和使用方法。This article emphasizes the importance of doctor workstation in outpatient departement.

除母乳之外,不给新生儿喂任何其它食物或饮料,除非遵医嘱。Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless medically indicated.

这种节食法可清理人体内的毒素,使用此方法前请遵医嘱。This diet cleans the body from toxins. Always seek medical advice before starting a diet.

核对药物剂量。如标签剂量不同于医嘱剂量,应算出正确剂量。Check drug dose. If label dose differs from ordered dose, calculate correct amount to give.

谁都不想看到这两种斑,但是庆幸的是,它们都是良性的,并且遵医嘱的话是可以去除的。These two may look unpleasant, but they’re benign and can also be removed in the doctor’s office.

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然而,一项惊人的新研究显示,并非每个战胜乳腺癌的妇女都谨遵医嘱。But a surprising new study shows that no every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message.

每天早晨我按照医嘱从床上滚动下来,落到我的双手和双膝上。In order to get out of bed in the morning I literally had to roll out of bed onto my hands and knees.

如今,玛雅说她反复重复医嘱,甚至对一些病人进行现场核查。Nowadays, she says she repeats her instructions, and even conducts a reality check with some patients.