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此外,现在价格也不相上下了。And the prices are the same now.

在智力方面海伦和杰克完全不相上下。Helen is quite equal to Jack in brains.

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我认为这两个选手不相上下。I'd say the two players are prettily even.

烹调的气味和烟草味不相上下。The smell of cooking competed with tobacco.

他们的胃口不相上下。They rivalled one another in their appetites.

麝鼠皮在质量上几乎和海獭皮不相上下。Muskrat fur almost equals beaver fur in quality.

论起才干,他跟他哥哥不相上下,或许还有过之而无不及。In ability he equals and perhaps surpasses his brother.

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陈石仔和罗大全比枪法,不相上下。Old stone young and Luo Daquan compare marksmanship, equal.

这让工资水平与约旦和叙利亚不相上下。This makes rates competitive with those of Jordan and Syria.

两轮唱罢,实力和偶像组不相上下。Two rounds, the strength and the idol group are equally matched.

她的名字与弗洛伊德和大卫-格雷彼尔德不相上下。Her name is synonymous4 with the names Freud, and David Greybeard.

或许只是一只虾,但它的挥拳重击的力度可是与手枪子弹不相上下。It may be just a shrimp but it packs a punch as powerful as pistol.

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在刚柔性和透气性方面两者不相上下。The stiffness and air permeability of the two fabrics are similary.

他的藏书量与镇上图书馆不相上下。His collection of books was commensurate with that of a town library.

有些稀土金属在地壳中含量与镍、铜、锌、铅等不相上下。Some are as abundant in the earth’s crust as nickel, copper, zinc or lead.

另外,还有一个挤奶的姑娘在家世方面似乎和她不相上下。Besides, another dairy-girl was as good as she, it seemed, in that respect.

两党全国代表大会召开之后进行的民调显示,双方或者不相上下,或者奥巴马略微领先。Post-convention polls show the race either even, or Obama with a slight lead.

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借助于这个改变,现在libxml-ruby的性能与Nokogiri已不相上下。With this change, libxml-ruby now runs at about equal performance as Nokogiri.

甚至没有义务减排的巴西也与美国提出的数字不相上下。Even Brazil, a country not obliged to cut its emissions, has matched the US offer.

两个人竞选班长的实力不相上下,大家都在猜最后谁会获胜。The two are running neck-and-neck for class president. Who wins is anyone's guess.