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他们将携手联合行动。They would act hand in hand.

在梦中,我与他携手漫步溪畔。In a dream, we walk along the creek.

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想与你在幽幽月华下携手相依。Dreaming of hand in hand in the rain.

我们携手展翅高飞,跃上云端。We fly together, leapt to the clouds.

我们将携手驾起犁铧。We will walk behind the plough-share.

禾阳博一期待与您携手前进!We look forward with you hand in hand!

茶是人与大自然携手共创的杰作。Tea is created jointly by man and nature.

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你们从未携手,却共度了年年月月。You never work, but spend a year on year.

让我们携手前进,共创美好未来!Let us go hand in hand for a better future!

亲爱的人啊携手前进。People in love , go forward , hand in hand.

携手鸿远,真诚永远!Join hands with Hongyuan, sincerity forever.

并且你们还能携手创造,互帮互助。Together you can create and help each other.

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那为什么不一起携手解决这问题呢?Why not work together to solve this problem?

携手共进,同创美好未来!Work hand in hand to create a better future!

我想请妳和我携手走入婚姻。NO00,1. I am asking for your hand in marriage.

以诚信与服务赢得市场,让我们携手合作、互惠互利、共创双赢。Let's cooperate with each other and two-to-win.

减排和适应必须携手共进。Mitigation and adaptation must go hand in hand.

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新语丝与您携手并进,共创未来!SYNCHROS create a better future hand with hand!

福瑞人将与您携手并进,共创佳绩。We will create excellence hand in hand with you.

心若在,梦犹在,为了明天,您我一起携手。Let us be hand in hand for the splendid tomorrow.