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评述了近年来季铵型阳离子淀粉干法制备研究进展。In this paper, dry process of preparing cationic starch is reviewed.

谷物样品采用干法为主,干湿结合的办法灰化。Dry and dry-wet combination method were used in ashing of grain samples.

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应用感应耦合等离子体技术首次实现了对锑化铟薄膜的干法刻蚀。Inductively coupled plasma was first used to dry etch of InSb thin film.

水玻璃砂的干法再生主要是解决溃散性和脱膜率问题。Dry reclamation of sodium silicate-bonded sands is reviewed in the paper.

云母粉碎工艺最常用的是湿法和干法两种。The processes of Wet-grind and dry-grind were usually applied in industry.

文章主要设计并实现了CFB-FGD半干法烟气脱硫网络控制系统。In this paper, A CFB-FGD network control system is designed and implemented.

预热器和分解炉是新型干法水泥生产技术的核心设备。Preheater and calciner is key equipment for precalcing production technique.

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提出了一种新型的喷雾-喷动床半干法烟气脱硫技术。A new semi-dry desulfurization using spray spouted bed was introduced in the paper.

通过干法和湿法的装柱方法对比研究,确定了聚酰胺装柱的方法为湿法装柱。The wet method of packing column is decided by comparing dry method and wet method.

以怀山药为原料,经护色、灭酶,用真空微波冻干法制备怀山药片。Yam chip is prepared by vacuum freeze-drying through killing enzyme and color care.

进行了脱皮菜籽干法膨化预处理可行性的试验研究。Research on the possibility of using dry expansion to pre-treat de-skinned rapeseed.

巨化公司采用干法布袋除尘技术,有效地解决了这一问题。This problem has been successful solved in our company by using dust settling pocket.

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悬浮预热器和预分解技术是新型干法水泥生产技术的核心。Cyclone preheater and precalciner is the kernel of the new type dry-process kiln system.

单筒式振动磨为间歇式振动磨,可用于湿法和干法粉磨。Single tube vibration mill is an intermittent one. It can be used for wet or dry milling.

对冻干法制备的广西膨胀土不扰动样进行了微结构测试研究。The microcosmic structure of the undisturbed soil sample done by lyophilization is tested.

以玉米淀粉为原料,采用半干法制备非晶颗粒态淀粉。Non-crystalline granule corn starch was prepared with native corn starch by semi-dry method.

始创于1993年,是一家专业生产干法造粒机和闪蒸干燥机企业。Founded in 1993, is a professional production of dry granulation and a flash dryer enterprises.

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煤的燃烧不完全是导致新型干法水泥窑尾系统粘结堵塞的重要原因之一。One of the important reasons is the incomplete combustion of coal in new dry cement kiln system.

本文对涡流混合器应用于干法变性淀粉加工工艺中混合操作进行了一系列研究。This paper is the research of turbine technology in mixing unit in modified starch dry technics.

国内大型干法水泥窑窑口使用的耐火浇注料的使用寿命一般为4~6个月。The general life of the castables used in the outlet of large new dry cement kilns is 4-6 months.